Outside of the text editor, I think native emacs keybindings like (C-n, C-p, C-a, C-e, C-k) on OSX are great and I hope they never get rid of them.

I agree! You know what takes it to the next level? Sticky keys!

Accessibility feature in macos where modal / control keys will "stick" for the next keypress (non-modal / control) and then release.

Double tap will stick it for the duration until the next tap on the same key.

Essentialy, double tap control key and move around with n and p keys, kill with k, move more, yank somewhere else with y. All without touching control! But there's more, you can save the buffer with x followed by s press. It takes a while to get used to but saves you awkward wrist moves. I guess it's closer to modal editing in vi, just not as advanced.

Your suggestion sounds a little bit like Emacs' god-mode:
