Very impressed by the proportion of people who primarily use daemon/emacsclient. (I don't, but I always sort of think I should)

Surprised, and if I'm honest a little distressed, to see about a third of respondents use vi keybindings.

Absolutely amazed that so many people report using org-mode daily. Either the whole survey is primarily a survey of org-mode users, rather than Emacs users in general, perhaps because of the HN posting (I get the impression HN loves org-mode) - or nobody else uses Emacs.

Even more amazed about the questions on "completion frameworks" and packages for error checking (what?) in both of which the winning answer is something I've never heard of. I shall have to see what they're all about.

Finally - oh blimey, everyone reads /r/emacs. Perhaps that explains it all.

I'm inferring that you, like me, are a longtime emacs user with some inertia.

I used to not use daemon/emacsclient until it got annoying to have multiple emacs windows popping up, then I switched. Nothing to be impressed about it; even lazy ones like me eventually get there.

I'm also surprised about the vi keybindings, but not at all distressed. If there are a lot of people out there who are accustomed to vi keybindings but found reasons to want to use emacs, that's a good thing.

I don't use org-mode daily, but I do edit my todo list daily. If it ever gets deeply nested I'll switch it over to org mode. And I suspect that's what all the people using org-mode daily are doing -- todo/idea lists.

I should start reading /r/emacs every few years to catch up on new things.

I've used Emacs for over 20 years and I have been meaning to switch to vi keybindings for a while (but haven't yet :). I just find myself executing long commands with only 4 of my fingers engaged, because one of them is holding a modifier key, and it's somewhat uncomfortable. Not injury-causing uncomfortable, but enough to make me think "hey, I think the other team got this right." I would not mind switching between command and insert modes; I can keep the state in my head instead of in my finger.

The barrier to switching, for me, is that the vi-like modes are set up by default to have vi-like keybindings, and I just don't care to go in and change them all to Emacs-alike keys, and I worry how flexible other software with "vi mode" will be about that. I am past the point where I'm going to use hjkl to move the cursor around, I use npfb. I can easily change the details in Emacs/Viper, but then how am I going to use anything else, like the shell? That is my main worry.

It sounds like you would like god-mode: