"Why do you want to make Lisp more popular? If you were sucessful, what would be different in the world, and why is that desirable to you?"
Normally at this point I'd listen to the response, and ask more questions based on that. That would wind up with a very, very deep thread, so I'll break a cardinal rule and pre-guess at some answers.
This kind of question comes up pretty frequently. In many cases, I suspect the motivation behind the question is "Wow! Here's this cool tool I've discovered. I want to make something really useful with it. I want to do it as part of a community effort; share my excitement with others, share in their excitement, and know that what I'm making is useful because others find it desirable and are excited by it." The field could be cooking, sports, old machine tools, tiny homes, or demo scene. Its the fundemental driver for most content on HN, YouTube, Instructables, and such. It is a Good Thing.
If that is your motivator, then my suggestion is to find something that bugs you and fix it. You've already decided you're only interested in code, not other aspects. You said you preferred vim, but the emacs ecosystem has a very rich set of sharp edges that need filing off, and a rich set of tools with which to attack them.
One example: even after 50 years there's no open IDE which allows you to easily globally rename a Lisp identifier. I don't know about LispWorks or other proprietary environments, but you can't in emacs or vim do a right-click on "foo" in "(defun foo ()...)" and select a command which automatically renames it in all invocations. [Queue lots of "but you can..." replies here.] I don't think vim is up to the task of doing this internally. It would be possible in emacs; but would require a huge effort with lots of help from other people. If you emerged alive from that rabbit warren you'd join the company of Certified "How Hard Could it Be?" Mad Scientists such as Dr. "I just want to draw molecules" Meister [1] and "Wouldn't an OS in Lisp be Cool" Froggey [2].
[1] https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp
[2] Mezzano https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano
> Clasp is a new Common Lisp implementation that seamlessly interoperates with C++ libraries and programs using LLVM for compilation to native code. This allows Clasp to take advantage of a vast array of preexisting libraries and programs, such as out of the scientific computing ecosystem. Embedding them in a Common Lisp environment allows you to make use of rapid prototyping, incremental development, and other capabilities that make it a powerful language.
Every time a JITted object file is added using the API, the entire symbol table is sorted. If you have 10,000+ JITted object files as we do - it takes hours to days to weeks to register them all.
We use the Undo time traveling debugger that builds on top of GDB. It's awesome but we are crippled because of the JIT API implementation.
I'd love to see this get fixed - if anyone knows who to talk with about it - drop me a line.
Is there a problem if dynamic libraries invoke dlopen/dlclose they also need to call the sync function - correct?
I'm asking because we've developed a Common Lisp implementation that interoperates with C++ and it uses exception handling to unwind the stack (https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp.git). We hit this global lock in unwinding problem a lot - it causes us a lot of grief.
I am one of the few software developers with code that I wrote 27 years ago that is still in active use by thousands of computational chemistry researchers (Leap, a frontend for the computational chemistry molecular dynamics package AMBER, implemented in C).
having the ability to be self hosted is definitely not ideological. [* here is a hypothetical question that can be asked: would a julia programmer be more powerful if llvm was written in julia? i think the answer is clear that they would be *]
common lisp is a language specification. it does not have an official implementation, although by far the most popular one is sbcl. in fact there is an implementation CLASP[0] that is hosted on llvm
[0] https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp
[*...*] enclosed part added to the response subsequently to initial posting
* unmatched interactive development which could be used for exploration of problems such as dynamical and complex systems
* although it is a very high level language you can perform low level optimizations in common lisp itself
* extremely powerful macro system that allows you to develop in a declarative style to reflect your problem domain. for example you can program in a syntax that is natural to general or special relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.
* fast and free implementations such as SBCL
* the language is standardized so your code will not need to be unnecessarily maintained (this is good for university professors that have repeating long-running courses)
i am not sure what type of references you are asking for but i will list few open source projects that might be interesting to you:
* CLASP - common lisp implementation build on top of LLVM. this project is headed by a computational chemist (prof. schafmeister) [0]
* PetaLisp - for HPC [1]
* MAGICL - Matrix Algebra proGrams In Common Lisp by Rigetti Computing [2]
* Quil - quantum instruction language developed on top of common lisp [3]
* CL-CUDA - use NVIDIA CUDA in Common Lisp programs [4]
* MGL - Common Lisp machine learning library [5]
* Maxima - a computer algebra system developed in common lisp [6]
i think these are plenty to show that there exists serious interest in using common lisp for scientific computing. it is possible that some of the people behind these projects are on HN and maybe they can further expand on this
[0] https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp
[1] https://github.com/marcoheisig/Petalisp
[2] https://github.com/quil-lang/magicl
[3] https://github.com/quil-lang/quilc
[4] https://github.com/takagi/cl-cuda
[5] https://github.com/melisgl/mgl also https://github.com/melisgl/higgsml
1. I started with a primitive lisp interpreter written in C++ and worked hard on exposing C++ functions/classes to my lisp using C++ template programming. LLVM is a C++ library, the C bindings are always behind the C++ API. So exposing the C++ API directly gave me access to the latest, and greatest API. That means you need to keep up with LLVM - but clang helps a lot because API changes appear as clang C++ compile time errors. I've been "chasing the LLVM dragon" (cough - keeping up with the LLVM API) from version 3.something to the upcoming 13.
2. I wrote a Common Lisp compiler in my primitive lisp that converted Common Lisp straight into LLVM-IR. I didn't want to develop my own language - who's got time for that? So I just picked a powerful one (Common Lisp) with macros, classes, generic functions, existing libraries, a community etc.
3. I used alloca/stack allocated variables everywhere and let mem2reg optimize what it could to registers. I exposed and used the llvm::IRBuilder class that makes generating IR a lot easier.
4. Then I picked an experimental, developing compiler "Cleavir" written by Robert Strandh and bootstrap that with my Common Lisp compiler. It's like that movie "Inception" - but it makes sense :-).
Now we have a Common Lisp programming environment that interoperates with C++ at a very deep level. Common Lisp stack frames intermingle perfectly with C++ stack frames and we can use all the C/C development, debugging and profiling tools.
This Common Lisp programming environment supports "Cando" a computational chemistry programming environment for developing advanced therapeutics and diagnostic molecules.
We are looking for people who want to work with us - if interested and you have a somewhat suitable background - drop me a message at [email protected]
- https://ferret-lang.org/ "Ferret is a free software lisp implementation designed to be used in real time embedded control systems. Ferret lisp compiles down to self contained C++11" "Easy FFI (Inline C,C++. See Accessing C,C++ Libraries)" "Easily Embeddable (i.e Ferret fns are just C++ functors.)"
- https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp "Clasp is a new Common Lisp implementation that seamlessly interoperates with C++ libraries and programs using LLVM for compilation to native code."
"Clasp: Common Lisp using LLVM and C++ for Designing Molecules": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rSMt1pAlbE
pgloader was rewritten from Python to Lisp: https://tapoueh.org/blog/2014/05/why-is-pgloader-so-much-fas... because of Python's poor performances and threading capacities.
A theorem prover used in the industry: https://github.com/acl2/acl2
A Lisp vendor selling semantic graph solutions: https://franz.com/ (see also its success stories for industry examples)
Here's a sadder story: a team switched from CL to Go for production, but still use CL for prototyping: https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/pro-mailing-list-on-comm...
Some use CL in bioinformatics (and claim it's the best tool for the job). For example, they create a new Lisp implementation: https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp
More success stories: https://lisp-lang.org/success/
With Clasp, we get the best of multiple worlds. We get a dynamic language (Common Lisp) with automatic memory management and enormous expressive power that can directly use powerful C and C++ libraries. All three of these languages are "long-lived" languages in that code that was written 10 and 20 years ago still works.
Performance is really important to me and I have written a lot of code over the past four decades. I won't develop meaningful code in any language that falls below Racket in table 4 because these language implementations are too inefficient. I furthermore want to keep using my code over the years and decades and so I won't develop meaningful code in any language where someone else can break my code by changing the standard. My program "leap" was written 27 years ago in C and it is still being used daily by thousands of computational chemists. But it's really hard to improve leap because the code is brittle largely because of malloc/free-style memory management (brrr). For a compiled, high-performance, standard language with proven lasting power and performance - Common Lisp is the best choice.
A) Writing a new Common Lisp implementation is a major undertaking, but a new implementation was creates specifically for C++ interop[1], and that implementation is certainly post javascript being big.
D) Anything targeting JS can run the output through closure; I've done so with Parenscript, for example.
CLASP is a relatively new Common Lisp implementation with deep C++/LLVM integration.
Quicklisp adds new libraries every month.
LispWorks and Allegro CL are commercially available Lisps since 30+ years, running on various platforms and still supported. The LispWorks 7.1 update from 2017 brought native ARM64 support (Linux, iOS), remote debugging of Android and iOS LispWorks, ...
There are a few interesting talks on yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbdXeRBbgDM
Clasp could be used for a lot of other things.
You're aware of clasp?
Which builds (in part) on embeddable common lisp:
See around 20-30 minutes: https://youtu.be/8X69_42Mj-g
Once we develop molecular robots - they are going to implement LispOS. :-)
The title is so old school though that need changing.
- How I use lisp to fight human aging or - why I choose lisp over python to combat protein generation - my protein generation using llvm was done all by lisp for. Reason
The talk is amazing. This one chemistry prof. who seems to be an IT expert but really just start lisp programming by building a lisp interpreter.
https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp And The cando one.
I'm not sure why other projects find this difficult but I have noticed that if I get too far behind it does get a bit more difficult.
I exposed the C++ API to Common Lisp and write all of the compiler in Common Lisp. The Clang C++ compiler tells me what is broken when I upgrade to a new version of llvm and then I fix it. I talk about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=mbdXeRBbgDM&feature... at about 13:30
This nice talk mentions a bit on how Julia is (not) a lisp (if I recall correctly):
"Julia: to Lisp or not to Lisp?": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dK3zRXhrFZY
This might also be of interest: https://tpapp.github.io/post/common-lisp-to-julia/
As well as (maybe) clasp: https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp
CL is still adopted by universities (for bioinformatics it seems), or innovative firms (Emotiq (blockchain), Rigetti quantum computing,…), and is still used by big ones (https://github.com/azzamsa/awesome-lisp-companies), so why not see fundings in the future…
I am heavily invested in Common Lisp. We are developing a programming environment for designing new materials and molecules called Cando (https://github.com/drmeister/cando) using Common Lisp as a scripting language. Cando is running on Clasp (https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp), a new Common Lisp implementation that interoperates with C++ and is based on LLVM.
What attracted me to the language, after 35 years programming in almost everything else, was how organically it lets one write software and how I don't have to worry about it fading like the next programming fad.