I think it's evident now that a purely community-based effort to advance CL cannot realistically happen; even the CDR[1] is unmantained, and in the course of the last years many knowledgeable people have been progressively leaving the community, CL, or both.

I am wondering how the "other" languages obtain funding for such things. For example, Julia raised $4M one year ago. Or should we acknowledge that no one cares about Lisp anymore? :(

[1] https://common-lisp.net/project/cdr/

Just to counterbalance and give some hope: projects like CLASP (CL on LLVM) got university funds to development it (and the ecosystem on the way: LSP library,…).


CL is still adopted by universities (for bioinformatics it seems), or innovative firms (Emotiq (blockchain), Rigetti quantum computing,…), and is still used by big ones (https://github.com/azzamsa/awesome-lisp-companies), so why not see fundings in the future…