that's basically Julia. take lisp, remove the s expressions and add a bunch of really good math libraries and you've just reinvented Julia.

there was dylan before julia, so julia might just be reinventing dylan :) but that's not what's interesting

the julia project is in fact very interesting to me and has a great team developing its ecosystem and i work with it alongside python for numerical work. however one key drawback (compared to common lisp) for me is that it is not self-compiled. it is hosted on llvm and over 30% of its repository is in another language (mainly C and C++)[0]. but i am saying this only in comparison to common lisp. other languages are not different to this, and are much worse. as far as scientific computing is concerned, i would work with julia over python any day


Can I ask why it matters to you whether or not julia is self hosting?

because i want to be able to to go turtles all the way down with my code. julia being hosted on llvm does not provide that. if you want to do optimisations in julia you must learn llvm[0]. in this sense hosted languages are always a front-end. common lisp is not this


> in this sense hosted languages are always a front-end. common lisp is not this

Even self-hosted languages are front-ends for assemblers and microcode. What actually matters is being able to have arbitrary control over how code is executed. Julia has this in spades.

Julia has it's own intermediate representations where you can write custom compiler passes and intercept and modify whatever you like (in pure julia). You can think of these tools as being like macros, except instead of lexical extent they have a completely dynamic extent.

With these passes, you can arbitrarily change the meaning of any code recursively. E.g. You could define an execution context where multiplication and addition have swapped meanings, or you could locate every if-else statement in the entire callstack of a program and switch the if clause with the else clause. And again, this is not limited to the lexical extent of a macro, and it does not disable compilation. It is instead a programmable step in compilation.

A classic example of this would be Zygote.jl [1] which takes a program and recursively generates code to that would give the derivative of that program. Doing this requires you to modify literally every function call in the callstack, and you can do this all in pure julia without ever knowing a lick of LLVM.

Granted, there is something ideologically appealing about the idea of a self-hosted langauge. I'm just arguing that on a practical level, the compiler tools allow total control over code execution without changing languages, just as you'd get in a self-hosted language.


as i said i think that Julia is an exciting project in the scientific computing space. my statements were not directed against julia or any other language. i just happen to think that common lisp also has great potential for scientific computing, one that can appeal to scientists who want to be software engineers also. for those that just want to crunch numbers right now python is a first reference then julia, imho. however, i sincerely hope that julia overtakes python

having the ability to be self hosted is definitely not ideological. [* here is a hypothetical question that can be asked: would a julia programmer be more powerful if llvm was written in julia? i think the answer is clear that they would be *]

common lisp is a language specification. it does not have an official implementation, although by far the most popular one is sbcl. in fact there is an implementation CLASP[0] that is hosted on llvm


[*...*] enclosed part added to the response subsequently to initial posting