What does HackerNews think of awesome-selfhosted?

A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers

Language: JavaScript

Nothing fancy, actually - the typical services people who self-host use. Some were found serendipitously, then rediscovered through https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted or a few "Ask HN".

Home Assistant and associated services (Zigbee2MQTT mostly), -arr suite for research purposes, HedgeDoc and some other I tried, Syncthing, Borg, file transfer, Radicale, Vaultwarden (should have started with that one), a few of my own services that I shared with the world or will share someday, Minecraft(s), ... and suddenly you are at dozens :)

Freedom as in Beer is starting to mean a lot more to people now. That could be considered a major feature at this point. I started telling people about my jellyfin setup and suddenly "normie" friends that had no obsession with archiving and self deployment like I do are asking for help setting up their NAS and finding cool things to deploy in https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

This has always been the end game for me of open source, beyond all the other benefits: offer tools so good for free that when someone tries to charge people for it, they'll be met with a resounding "why would I pay you for that when I can get this for free?"

Not to mention open source software basically reigns supreme in Venezuela, India, Philippines, other places without high capital in global currencies.

> The calendar app is very functional and allows booking of appointments based on availability similar to Calendly. This is one of many apps within its large and expanding suite.

Another noteworthy one is Talk: https://nextcloud.com/talk/

It's not quite as good as something like a self-hosted instance of Mattermost or even Rocket.Chat, but honestly if you already have Nextcloud, then it's pretty cool to be able to get something decent like that up and running quickly.

Ofc that's making Nextcloud a single point of failure in some ways and occasionally things can go sideways with these plugin based platforms (historically applies more to installs of Jenkins, but also have had some performance issues with Nextcloud that had lots of apps, too).

I still rather like Nextcloud because of being able to just run it on my servers and replace a bunch of other third party cloud platforms and still somehow manage to have good enough uptime and security.

I wonder what other cool self-hosted platforms are out there, maybe some of what Odoo has (cool idea but a bit underwhelming last I checked): https://github.com/odoo/odoo and https://www.odoo.com/

Or something in: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

check out the "awesome-selfhosted" list. It's pretty exhaustive and not very well curated, but it's a good starting point when you're looking for something


Also very importantly, you can download parts of Stackexchange (askubuntu, stackoverflow and others) in Kiwix format (same as Wikipedia). You can download courses from Khan Academy this way. https://www.kiwix.org/en/

I used to spend several months with very little Internet access (every other week on my cell phone). I made a small server with Jellyfin, tons of podcasts with airsonic, several youtube channels, a big Kiwix library (Wikipedia and Wiktionary - several languages), an ebook library (I haven't found the right way to do it, Calibre-server is a little complicated). https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

And also a dozen of physical books, typically in a language I'm learning.

The article gives a small number of self-hosted examples. Heres some more https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
> What apps do you think work well for self-hosting, even if it limited to us tech folk?

At least once per month I check out https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted to see what folks have been adding.

One of my favorites from that list is Focalboard. I used to use a combination of Todoist, Trello, and Notion, but found that moving to FB helped me collapse that all into one tool. The open source and self-hosted aspects were a big bonus, of course.

Giving only one option per category may not be enough. There are usually several great FOSS apps for each, targeting different uses. Some more choices here: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

The other issue is that most users won't maintain their own server or keep up with security updates and such. That's why I launched https://pikapods.com, which allows anyone to run FOSS apps with a few clicks, while supporting app authors via our revenue share. Our 'app store' is here: https://www.pikapods.com/apps

Frigate for object detection on RTSP streams. It integrates with Home Assistant so you can include detections in automations.

Also Proxmox, Prosidy (XMPP), AdGuard Home, Jellyfin, Paperless and Photoprism.

Also see this list for more ideas: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Your idea sounds awesome and I hope I'll hear more about it soon.

> I'm sick of having to decide between using cloud software and using local software

However, I want to point out there's an additional option that is becoming more and more accessible in recent years and that is self-hosting, either on a local server or a rented VPS. Most cloud based applications have several self hosted equivalents at various stages of development.

Check out this list:


Possibly your project falls into the self hosted category in some way?

How locally is locally? Your country, your city or your house? And how much extended, hours, days, months?

If it is just your home. You can have a mirror for your Linux distribution at home. There are plenty of self-hosted software (https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted for some initial suggestions) on which you can rely on instead of cloud services, you can download copies of wikipedia and other more or less static files like books, tv shows and movies (most streaming services let you do that for offline viewing, besides not so legal ways) and so on to have enough to see and read for months or years. Just have with you some good storage to hold them all and you can rely less on online internet.

For your country there is probably caches, local mirrors and some local presence of major services (i.e. a local, if you use that instead of your local ISP dns). There may be things that will be definitely outside, from social networks to cloud content, but there are enough self-hosted solutions to have your own content with you, and create local communities with your self-hosted solutions.

I didn't even know it existed until now, but i already found some interesting "awesome" list. https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

This is exactly what i was searching a few weeks ago.

Not yet, but that's on my todolist. I recommend this list: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

In general I only select services that are easy and fast to install and backup and have a nice UX so it won't go unused. I always install a service into a virtual machine first and take notes about the process. If there are any red flags like too complicated configration, missing documentation, heavy reasource usage, crippleware aka paywalling core features, then I just skip it and move on the next one.

After the service has proven itself trustworthy and useful, it's nice to start contributing to the project too. Everybody wins. And I gotta say, there are some incredible open-source software out there.

degoogle reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/degoogle/comments/huk4rp

or if you are into hosting things yourself on a VPS or your own NAS at home there are even more options to choose from: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

theres also yunohost or sandstorm that make self-hosting a bit easier for first timers

Deployment is easy.

Just go to https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted and pick some apps you like.

Then follow their deployment guide to deploy.

Of course, you should make some of these services public and invite people to use them. Once your services start crashing, you can learn how to optimize and scale.

Also, give it time and avoid being a "2 minute man". This whole "learn in 12 weeks" crap needs to stop. I've never seen a doctor or lawyer who wanted to become a practitioner in 3 months so why should hard stuff like devops or programming be any different?

>>how do you prevent a violent home invasion or burglary where the first thing they do is at gunpoint force you to show them where your server is so they can disconnect/destroy it?

I would love to see a source of this being a common tactic of thieves, home invasion in general are extremely rare as most thieves are cowards and want to attack soft targets i.e unoccupied homes. Then of the home invasions I am aware of, I know of ZERO where the "first thing they did" was force the homeowner to show them the location of the storage server.

Even if that is a "common occurrence" which I doubt, what stops a home invader from cutting off the internet before the attack? and many of these cloud connected cams are wifi, there are several very easy attack vectors to knock them offline. I think your strawman is weak and easily defeated in a number of ways

>>> better if you could please provide links to how-to starter guides on how to do this

Some of the Technology I use, or sources I visit to look for new things







Additional information if you are interested in self-hosting your personal data, take a look at the awesome-selfhosted (<https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted>) list. It contains a lot of information and tools.


I've had pretty good experiences with "awesome lists", usually if the topic is language or framework and I just want a concise list of mature things related to topic. Other examples I've personally enjoyed:




> There seems enough competitors when this looks like a tool from 20 years ago with limited functionality.

This perhaps misses the point: the beauty of Adminer is that it works as a single PHP file that you can deploy in a shared hosting environment.

While the other linked tools are really cool, they have completely different goals: a low-code/no-code approach to working with data, instead of managing a MySQL/MariaDB instance when you don't have access to the DB server, the server refuses "remote" connections, you don't have SSH access for tunneling or want to do management through a web based interface instead of something like DataGrip, MySQL Workbench or even the CLI.

Though if someone really liked Motor Admin or NocoDB, there are a lot of great (self-hostable) Airtable alternatives out there as well, some of which are listed here: https://alternativeto.net/software/airtable/?platform=self-h...

I could have sworn that there was another list on GitHub of similar tools as well, in the style of https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted though.

That's what I think every time when I find a new project! There are a few directories, but none perfect. I'd like to see one that's user-updatable (via Github), sort- and filterable and shows the current health of a project (last update, contributors, ..). Closest I found is this:


First off, I’ll be a bit of an ass. You seem to be looking for a free option that meets your criteria. You’re on HN, you know that isn’t going to happen.

Second, split desktop and server. You can use Outlook or Thunderbird or pine from the CLI, depending upon what you care about.

Third, let’s face the server problem. There are plenty of options for self hosting all of these [1]. The trade off is that you’re going to spend WAY more time and money in maintaining it.

1: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Philosophizing on your blog seems to be the new way to tilt at windmills. If you're actually interested in self-hosting, https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted is a great resource for self-hosted apps. Roll up your sleeves, get prepared to get lost in documentation, and have some fun! You'll realize the tradeoffs of what to self-host and what not-to quickly as you start playing around with actual technologies. Just remember that your life is production and if you're self-hosting XMPP for your family, you may want to be confident you know how to run XMPP before pushing everyone onto it, so maybe setup a lab or staging environment. But that's fine, it's part of the process! Stop writing screeds and start actually self-hosting.

EDIT: Since I'm mostly just reposting the link that OP links in their post, I'll add a couple fun things that I use a lot with self-hosting.

https://hoppy.network/ lets you setup a Wireguard tunnel to have your own static IPv4 /32 and /128 IPv6.

https://freerangecloud.com/ gives you similar products but also lets you do things like colocating a Raspberry Pi or getting a VPS at an IX

https://www.zerotier.com/ can effortlessly setup a private network between hosts

There's more I'm sure, but I like these.

Sweet, a roll-your-own Geocities but in Markdown! I'd like it if this approach took off for personal websites/blogs/social media. Maybe share it with some of those lists of self-hosted alternatives? Like here: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

I've actually been working on my own static website builder in Perl too - though it is nowhere near as sophisticated as a whole hosting platform. Being able to feed these beasts directories of text files, hitting enter and watching it do all the work (using your work) is a pleasure all on its own.

For comparison's sake...

Killed by Mozilla: https://killedbymozilla.com/

Killed by Microsoft: https://killedbymicrosoft.info/ (curiously DuckDuckGo which apparently takes search results from Bing didn't show me this)

Killed by Apple: https://killedbyapple.nl/

There's also one for Facebook, but it doesn't seem to be filled out: https://killedbyfacebook.nl/

Actually, why don't we have something like https://awesomeopensource.com/ but for projects that have been retired, to remember them more easily or view which company has created what? Maybe even just a GitHub repo, like https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted ? Anyone know of other good links like that, perhaps?

Community-run blacklists for plugins like uBlock Origin are comprehensive and well-maintained

I think that blacklists are opposite to search in a sense. Naive search is an easy target for those who try to game its results in an endless arms war. Ads and annoyance listings are not, because those who want to game it would a) delete the specific rules and get catched by feedback, b) add rules to downplay the opponents and also get reported. In a search, there is hard to say who played low, because everyone will do that.

I think “we” should resurrect directories instead of a search, which already presented itself as nonsense in a long run for too many times.

A directory is a categorized collection of links with a meaningful description (opposed to in-site bs marketing claims which these sites have to do no matter what) and few curated comments. E.g. awesome lists out there:





… think awesome cars, awesome appliances, awesome socks, awesome instruments, awesome food etc. Every area has some interned knowledge which waits for a platform to post it on. There will be ads push force just like with search, but at least it would be controlled by community, not by faceless moremoney entity. The difference with search is that search is automated and thus is much more vulnerable to ranking tricks. You can then run very naive search over this curated data and get good results.

Also it would shift trust from sites (which you want to find out to trust or not in the first place) to people who pull-request links into a directory. You never know which of SERP results made by whom. In a directory, you can see who posted what and what their rating or age of participation is. This is inevitable because in a modern world trust can only be built with time to a person, and there is no good will except of someone real who got tired of the shit so much that they are ready to go to lengths to explain/advise/help others and get it back eventually (that’s the core of the foss idea). No corp can align with what we want anymore, because their competition is always better at money, and at SERP. There is simply no other way, in my view.

there are forks of Mastodon as well (like Hometown or Glitch-soc). You might want to look at either the awesome-selfhosted github list or this watchlist for activitypub implementations:



i have one myself and i would say its the best out of all the alternative nas's out there. you pay a bit extra but its worth it considering how easy it is to setup. i also paid a bit more extra for the plus model so i could run docker which in turns gives you a huge selection of other apps over the built in apps or the synocommunity apps


I was going to list some use cases individually, but you can get a better picture by skimming through this: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

It's rare that a self-hosted piece of software is not present on this list. As you can see, the coverage is pretty extensive.

Cheers from /r/selfhosted[0]!

0, Awesomelist selfhosted, https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Have you not come across any of the awesome-* repos?

I personally thought it was one of them but for iOS

e.g. https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

I usually check r/selfhosted and awesome-selfhosted repo on GitHub[0].

[0] https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Most people don't care about their data. They don't even understand what companies do and do not collect. They want convenience.

Nonetheless, there are apps that don't collect data or allow you to sync to your own backend (usually to WebDAV).

Some links to get you started:

- https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26365835

Maybe ask OP, as they did bring up MSS. I myself try to self-host as much as possible, and try to use open-source roms/software on my phone/desktop.


This is pretty neat looking. I am really digging the UI.

Would you ever consider making this open-source? It would be a great addition to the Awesome-Selfhosted list. [1]

[1] https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Dont just drop Google and switch to another large company or service. Take the chance and set up your own infrastructure!

One reason why our web became so successful is Decentralization. But, in recent years I feel like we are heading to more and more centralized web, where only a few big companies control the entire ecosystem. Take email and instant messaging as an example. Everybody can maintain it's own, independent mail service, but everybody can still communicate with each other. On the other hand there are very few messaging services that are totally incompatible to each other. Depending on where you live, you might only use iMessage, Whatsapp or WeChat. Even tough it may be technically possible to use other services like Signal or Threema, you are most definitively going to experience a lot inconveniences. In my personal bubble only very few use these apps and as if that were not enough, these few users are also distributed across a wide variety of different services. If it were like mail, everybody could use his/her preferred messaging system and still talk to each other.

Thats only one example and I dont want our web to be like Whatsapp in a few years from now. So I encourage everybody to try and use his own infrastructure. You are also going to learn quite a bit while doing so.

If you are unsure about where to start, here is a nice list of awesome self hosted services, that are relatively easy to deploy: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

> I will never again build any kind of workflow for my knowledge on top of anything that isn’t open source.

100% this. The peace of mind I get knowing that all of my data is under my control is worth it, after scrambling to archive content from failed or pivoting services, removing my data from businesses that try to exploit it or trying to migrate my data from one old app to a different newer app.

There are many different open-source and self-hosted wikis, note taking apps and mind-mapping tools. Some of them are listed here[1], just Ctrl-F for "wiki", "notes" and "knowledge"

[1] https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

Very interesting! I've been looking for a self-hosted analytics tool to replace the Google. I'm going to take a closer look.

Btw, I don't think you need to start a broader self-hosted movement; it's been building for a while. See https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted for example. Keep up the good work! You're not alone.

Surprised they didn't mention Apache OpenMeetings. Or any other self-hosted alternatives. https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted

I know this isn't video conferencing, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Ventrillo. It's been around forever, takes practically no resources to run a server or a client, and it's just really simple to setup and live with. The original program is closed-source, but there are open source clients and servers (like Mumble) available for every platform.

I think like many other terms like 'cloud', 'private', 'start up' there is a lot of gray area :). It's up to you where you draw the line. For me, self-hosting means running software in a manner where I have control of the data/application code and the server. With that definition, running software on EC2/DO/Linode is self-hosting. When I self-host using these servers, I know what the server is running and where the data resides.

Also, I think there are other similar popular terms. For those who run in their own premises, the term is on-premise. For those running it home, usually they call it home lab/NAS/home server. Self-hosting to me encompasses all this.

Also, self-hosting doesn't necessarily mean just open source. There are some amazing closed apps out there that you can self-host - emby, confluence, teamspeak to name a few.

Two of my favorite spots - https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted and https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/

I like to self-host too, and there is a huge amount of awesome selfhosted [0] software to be had.

Only problem is, you have to be willing to become a moderately good sysadmin and spend your time doing the chores to keep your systems up-to-date. This takes considerable amount of time. Dropping the ball once, and you may find yourself hacked (I had this recently when being slow in updating a nginx reverse proxy).

[0] https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted