For those in the market to run a private cloud, please try . Our motivation is to make it simple to selfhost apps . The main advantage is that we take care of automatic updates across all the apps we package. Happy to answer any questions.

Disclaimer: I am the co-founder

Is it really self-hosting if you're running it on someone's cloud?

I think like many other terms like 'cloud', 'private', 'start up' there is a lot of gray area :). It's up to you where you draw the line. For me, self-hosting means running software in a manner where I have control of the data/application code and the server. With that definition, running software on EC2/DO/Linode is self-hosting. When I self-host using these servers, I know what the server is running and where the data resides.

Also, I think there are other similar popular terms. For those who run in their own premises, the term is on-premise. For those running it home, usually they call it home lab/NAS/home server. Self-hosting to me encompasses all this.

Also, self-hosting doesn't necessarily mean just open source. There are some amazing closed apps out there that you can self-host - emby, confluence, teamspeak to name a few.

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