From humble point of view HTML 4 was just fine for the purposes of the Web, and everything else should be done via native applications and network protocols.

Google, alongside all of those that push Chrome wrapped in whatever kind of package, have managed to turn the Web into ChromeOS.

I expect job adverts for HTML 6 to be about years of experience developing ChromeOS applications.

I disagree at least about the part about native applications. It really is better to have this universal VM for ephemeral apps and not have to worry about if the thing supports Linux or if it's actually spyware or how much hard drive space is this thing going to take up.

Recent things like Zoom native app being incredibly insecure but the same company's webapp being much better kind of proves the point.

All Web applications are spyware and security is not given, hence OWASP.

Self-hosted web apps. You develop for one platform, the web, and it works for nearly every OS.

Almost no one does it, and every SaaS application knows more about you than you think.

Almost no one needs to develop a self hosted app, because there already are self-hosted apps for lots of use cases out there.

Such as?

I was going to list some use cases individually, but you can get a better picture by skimming through this:

It's rare that a self-hosted piece of software is not present on this list. As you can see, the coverage is pretty extensive.