What does HackerNews think of liteide?

LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.

Language: C++

#58 in Go
#41 in Go
#3 in Qt
https://github.com/visualfc/liteide exists with, basically, many of the same things as you see people augment vim, etc. with (autocomplete, format on save, etc.) but a GUI editor. It has interactive debugging, but I don't use it so I dunno how it is. I can't promise you'll like it, but I dig it for some uses and it's there. The GUI itself seems to be maintained by one developer and as such it is unlikely to ever have full feature parity with Visual Studio. :)
>The second big gripe is that Golang has neither an IDE nor a REPL.

The IDE part is not true at all, why do people keep saying this? LiteIDE (aka golangide) works great, I use it all day everyday. It has syntax highlighting, autocomplete, gofmting, building, debugging, etc and is very lightweight.

Downloads: https://code.google.com/p/golangide/downloads/list Source: https://github.com/visualfc/liteide

As for the merit if REPL over something like the go playground (http://play.golang.org/) or a debugger, I can't say. Most of the code I wrote before Go was C/C++/C#/Java.

I think students always complain the first couple times they are forced to learn new languages, but this is an important skill for them to master.

There were several student complaints about the lack of an IDE or debugger. These tools do exist: I use LiteIDE, with syntax highlighting, code autocomplete and built in Go debugging everyday. Perhaps the professor was not aware of LiteIDE, but his students could have used Google.



Go also has great built-in profiling support: http://blog.golang.org/2011/06/profiling-go-programs.html

Installing Go is easy, you can download it as an archive or use your package manager:


  aptitude install golang-go
Also even installing Go from source is easy:

  cd ~/
  hg clone -u release https://code.google.com/p/go
  cd ~/go/src/
I think the hardest part is the environment variables, but these are well documented.