The value of Go is:

1) Reasonably fast (better than Node at CPU bound tasks, faster than Ruby/Python) 2) Statically compiled 3) Great tooling (except package management, but it's getting better)

If you want a reasonably fast statically compiled language, what would you use?

Java? Lots of JEE/App server issues to consider TypeScript? I'm a fan, but it's compile time type checking and not runtime type checking. TypeClojure? Too obscure.

Great tooling? Does Go have any quality IDEs with integrated debuggers yet?

I feel that open source developers mean something entirely different with the phrase "great tooling" than developers used to Visual Studio would mean. :)

Absolutely! They do not mean big GUI based IDE when they say tooling. Infact this is why Go will remain unviable option to .net developers. Go is likely to be much more popular among dynamic languages users and even some Java developers who are tired of enterprisey bloat. exists with, basically, many of the same things as you see people augment vim, etc. with (autocomplete, format on save, etc.) but a GUI editor. It has interactive debugging, but I don't use it so I dunno how it is. I can't promise you'll like it, but I dig it for some uses and it's there. The GUI itself seems to be maintained by one developer and as such it is unlikely to ever have full feature parity with Visual Studio. :)