I'm stuck. I'm writing Go and VueJS.

I tried Goland but it was too Java-y and too complex - there are thousands of settings. 4 different search options. 5 different methods of getting to the declaration for a function (and I'm never sure which one I should be using). I ended up spending more time messing with the editor than writing code, and there were too many incidents where I accidentally triggered a feature with a random key combination.

I love Vim but it makes my muscle memory incompatible with everything else. I stopped using it 5 years ago and I still hit ESC way too often.

I haven't tried Emacs yet. It's on the list, friends swear by it, but my experience with Vim has made me wary of investing that much time climbing a learning cliff again.

SublimeText was great, but support for Go isn't all that. Atom is too slow.

I'm back at VSCode for the moment. At least it's predictable and the Go plugin is workable. But I see the feature bloat and the complexity increasing. Its days are numbered. I don't see VSCode dominating the situation for much longer.

Try https://github.com/visualfc/liteide for Golang. Also,you can try emacs.