The cool thing about UTM is that it runs hardware virt and emulation, so you can run x86 on M1, which Vmware Fusion cannot do.
I use native virtualisation to run Debian arm64 and emulation to run Debian x86-64
I am used to work in Linux OS VM(Virtualbox and Vagrant in MacOS) and do most PHP/Python web development. It seems that Virtualbox won't be supported and There is only one Linux VM option available [UTM](
I would hate to invest too much time for a new dev environment just for M1. How's your experience?
However, your forum post says you believe Apple wants to take the power of the ability to locally compile and sign away from developers. This is unlikely for a number of reasons, one of which is completely breaking all games built using non-SceneKit workflows (basically all of them) along with other apps that depend on outside compilers.
and then the gates will open to ARM heaven, once developers find a way to do their jobs on an ipad the rest of the industries follow