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Virtual machines for iOS and macOS

Language: Swift

#3 in iOS
#8 in macOS
Also worth looking at UTM [1] which uses the apple virtualization framework, while also being a simple frontend to QEMU.

[1] https://github.com/utmapp/UTM

It's both free and open source (https://github.com/utmapp/UTM). You can pay 10$ to get automatic updates, which IMHO is a very fair price and you are helping support the project.
UTM should support most of the same features (aside from ease of us for installing all macOS versions). It also now supports paravirtualisation using the hypervisor framework.



The cool thing about UTM is that it runs hardware virt and emulation, so you can run x86 on M1, which Vmware Fusion cannot do.

Also UTM if you are a cheap ass like me.


I use native virtualisation to run Debian arm64 and emulation to run Debian x86-64

Just run a full Linux VM with a desktop environment and host the IDE and other apps inside. On relatively recent hardware you should be able to get decent performance and perfect isolation. You can use something like UTM (https://github.com/utmapp/UTM) or VMWare Fusion.
Would love to get some feedback on M1 for development.

I am used to work in Linux OS VM(Virtualbox and Vagrant in MacOS) and do most PHP/Python web development. It seems that Virtualbox won't be supported and There is only one Linux VM option available [UTM](https://github.com/utmapp/UTM)

I would hate to invest too much time for a new dev environment just for M1. How's your experience?

Depends on what out of box experience you want and if you want a GUI. For an easy out of box experience, open source, GUI based tool I suggest checking out https://github.com/utmapp/UTM. There's also an app store version that supports the author I believe.
Have you given UTM (https://github.com/utmapp/UTM) a try? It can run ARM and Intel virtual machines. It's basically a wrapper around QEMU, and it can be a little unstable depending on your chosen configuration, but it'll work in a pinch.
For those looking for a UI and full desktop environment UTM has full support for the M1 now: https://github.com/utmapp/UTM
Once iOS has the ability to sign its own apps, the sky is the limit. In fact, we're getting pretty close to this even without Apple's help. UTM can boot Windows 10 using a whacky JIT hack to get QEMU's TCG working for (slow) x86 emulation. It won't be long until someone boots Xcode and compiles a simple app (though it would probably take hours!). https://github.com/utmapp/UTM. On the other hand, many smart people have started to port other languages, such as porting the Python interpreter (https://github.com/holzschu/python3_ios) and C compilers (https://github.com/ColdGrub1384/SeeLess). See the LibTerm project (https://github.com/ColdGrub1384/LibTerm). I can already see someone creating a sandboxed mini-OS with the ability to spawn and manage processes just like a Linux terminal by cheating iOS's Thread API.

However, your forum post says you believe Apple wants to take the power of the ability to locally compile and sign away from developers. This is unlikely for a number of reasons, one of which is completely breaking all games built using non-SceneKit workflows (basically all of them) along with other apps that depend on outside compilers.

there's a Qemu implementation that now runs on iOS, and with services like AWS Cloud9 you can get away with developing on an ipad only setup, at least for most webdevs. Sooner than later someone is going to be able to run android on this: https://github.com/utmapp/UTM

and then the gates will open to ARM heaven, once developers find a way to do their jobs on an ipad the rest of the industries follow