"to speed up its expansion into the enterprise software business."
Why does a chipmaker want/need to expand into enterprise software? Shouldn't they be expanding to making different chips?
In 2021 Broadcom semiconductor revenue was $18.8B out of $27.5 billion. Broadcom has a large portfolio of enterprise software offerings.
The web page for their software offerings is at https://software.broadcom.com/ . The interesting thing you'll notice is that they do not list any specific software they offer (e.g. Symantec for enterprise security, which by the way is separate from Norton now). Rather they sell you on their ability to deliver on four specific enterprise functional needs.
They won't answer your call to buy their suite unless you're in the Fortune 500. They will try to sell you on their whole suite. They will upsell you on any new acquisition, eg VMWare.
They might renew my personal VMWare Fusion license for another year but would probably close that down soon for not being core. On the M1 I've moved on anyway to UTM.
EDIT: word choice
The cool thing about UTM is that it runs hardware virt and emulation, so you can run x86 on M1, which Vmware Fusion cannot do.