What does HackerNews think of catt?
Cast All The Things allows you to send videos from many, many online sources to your Chromecast.
If you can't find something pre-built that fits your specific needs, you could perhaps "quick and dirty" script yourself up something using "Cast All The Things" [catt@github][0] to talk to your ChromeCast devices, and maybe "Beets" [beets@readthdocs][1] to manage play / playlist commands and management of the music library itself, presuming some Python scripting skills on your part, or a willingness / interest in learning said skills. Other language / library pairs exist as well, if Python's not exactly in your "bag of tricks".
You might need a VPN as whatever is running catt must be able to connect to your chromecast and chromecast must be able to pull from whatever is running catt.
We watch all the movies this way - just cast an mp4 file. Works great on a local network.
Unrelated: Have you tried catt? https://github.com/skorokithakis/catt
pip3 install catt
And then: catt cast
This does not pass the smell test. I can cast onto any of my Chromecasts using VLC and Catt[0] and while the former is limited to media, Catt lets me render websites just fine.
I believe Catt's author is on HN.
[0] https://github.com/skorokithakis/catt/
[1] https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html
And at most we got a few users asking about why they couldn't install it on 2. Maybe my users are just better-behaved.
It supports youtube-dl so you can just do `catt cast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ` and it will work.