Whatever app I use to play music needs to support chromecast audio.
I think Plex could do it but I haven’t bothered to run my own Plex server for ages.
What alternatives to Spotify for self hosting are there that support chromecast audio, or what alternatives to chromecast audio are there, given they are discontinued
If you can't find something pre-built that fits your specific needs, you could perhaps "quick and dirty" script yourself up something using "Cast All The Things" [catt@github][0] to talk to your ChromeCast devices, and maybe "Beets" [beets@readthdocs][1] to manage play / playlist commands and management of the music library itself, presuming some Python scripting skills on your part, or a willingness / interest in learning said skills. Other language / library pairs exist as well, if Python's not exactly in your "bag of tricks".