What does HackerNews think of Signal-Android?

A private messenger for Android.

Language: Java

Correction. ONLY the contacts WITHIN Signal contact address book is used.

Signal contact address book is wholly kept separate from your phone OS contact address book, even when you say yes to permission to share the OS contact address book.

If you say no to the sharing of contact, then ONLY those contacts created WITHIN Signal’s own contact address book would have each Signal contact’s phone number as numerically big-hashed (within your own phone), then only those hash value of your limited Signal contact address book would be (naturally) sent to Signal server.

This is why I said “if you don’t mind the obtuse associativity”. And that is OK for most OpSec.

What is most important here is whatever you typed, only that other contact’s phone would be able to see this, no place else. That is, until the adversary gets their hand on one of the phone before its timed message deletion period.

This is all in the source code here


> One of the benefits of coding in the open, and ascribing to opens standards and protocols is transparency and the ability for all to interrogate the code.

They already do all of those things. https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android

That's totally false. Here's the client you can download, compile, and side-load yourself: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android

And here's the server implementation you can also run yourself: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Server

Telegram has also been exploited multiple times, while signal has held up against a US federal subpoena.


> I disagree. I think these scanners can only be good, but never perfect, so they're mainly effective against technically unsophisticated abusers

Assuming the checks are not hash-based (literally any mutations to a file make these worthless, and the libraries of hashes of illegal content are gigabytes and growing), the computing power required on the client side is infeasible to ship in a product intended for any modest consumer hardware.

Let's assume this is limited to child pornography only. You first need to store some perceptually-encoded version of _every_ illegal image on the user's device (in such a way that it's impossible to reverse-engineer one of the images back out). Then you need to try to match the image being sent against each of the encoded versions of each of those images. On a server farm, that's _maybe_ practical. On someone's crappy Samsung Galaxy phone from 2013, it would take days or weeks to process a single image.

Let's assume it _was_ some hash based check. People complain that the Facebook Messenger app is over a hundred megabytes. Do you think someone is going to download the Signal client onto their phone with a gig of file hashes so that they can get reported to the police in the event that one of their images has a prohibited hash? No, that's crazy.

And even if it _was_ feasible, Signal is open source [0]. It would take a single person maybe a day of works tops to create a version without those restrictions and throw an APK onto a static website.

[0] https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android

Given the amount of open source code already, it should be possible to clone.

Edit: see below, server code is open. Keeping original text below:

IIRC the server code is proprietary, but the clients are open. That's a decent starting point.


Signal's server[1] and client source code[2,3,4] has been publicly available for many years and are even licensed under the (A)GPL-3.0 (with an exception to allow distribution via Google Play and the Apple App Store).

I don't know where you got the impression this wasn't the case. An earlier VOIP product of theirs (RedPhone) had a proprietary server implementation, but ever since the feature was added to Signal proper it has been free software.

[1]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Server [2]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android [3]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-iOS [4]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop


Can't I build and use this if I want? It looks very open, but I haven't tried building my own client.

Signal on Android relies upon Google Play Services for the microphone and camera permissions, which can't be turned off. It is open-source [1] so one could install it without going through the Google Play Store (it's not on F-Droid though), but it's another case of Google's ever-expanding grasp over "interesting" (read: competing) Android apps.

[1] https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android

Signal is free software[1] -- GPLv3 in fact. Don't get me wrong, it has its own issues with Moxie having very strange views of the threat model (and being anti-federation and anti-distribution), but it is definitely not proprietary. I also concur with the Matrix.org recommendation.

[1]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android