I found Durov's plans to monetize Telegram most interesting.


Team features (competing with Slack/Discord?), ad tools for telegram channels and premium stickers. Whilst keeping all the existing Telegram features.

I really wish Telegram would embrace open source, security audits, etc. It's one of, if not the, best UX chat message apps with so many features it's sort of mindblowing. I'd love to use them. But.. i avoid it, because something doesn't smell right.

Allowing me to pay would be yet another right direction for Telegram, but i just can't move past the audit (and to a lesser extent, FOSS)

Telegram, the client, is fully FLOSS. You can even find it on f-droid¹, contrary to e.g. Signal, which is only available for installation via closed app stores.

Do you refer to the server-stack? How would that being Open Source help you when you cannot ever verify what a server actually runs?

¹ https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.telegram.messenger/

That's totally false. Here's the client you can download, compile, and side-load yourself: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android

And here's the server implementation you can also run yourself: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Server

Telegram has also been exploited multiple times, while signal has held up against a US federal subpoena.
