powerlevel10k because it makes adding custom sections to my shell prompt really straightforward. https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
terraform because I have a job wrangling it lol
asdf because it manages versions of software for me really well and it has thus far been rock solid reliable. https://asdf-vm.com/
Emacs because it's about as configurable and customizable as my most insane requirements. And emacs lisp is very cool. Similarly, vim and vscode are also dear to me.
Factorio! because of course Factorio, it's amazing. Similarly Kerbal Space Program.
Firefox for standing up against the chrome hegemony nowadays, and for being so exciting back in 1998 with its initial open source decision.
And Tree Style Tabs, because every time I have to use a browser without it, my skin crawls at the lack of organization. https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab
And the big ones: grep, sed, awk, cut, sort, uniq, jq for all the times they've turned something incomprehensible into something useful to this tiny mind.
EDIT: oh and zsh because zmodload zsh/datetime gives me $EPOCHSECONDS which makes life so much easier to make cool prompt segments like "days and hours since last commit" and "remaining auth session time in minutes and seconds"
# display time since last commit in days and hours
gdate -d @$(($EPOCHSECONDS-$(git log -1 --format=%ct))) -u +"(%-dd %-Hh ago)"
Pimping zsh with powerlevel10k[1], some custom dotfiles and scripts feels like having enough convenience, while still using POSIX. I use "Pure" theme by the way, because it also works nicely in not so modern Terminals, if you replace PROMPT_CHAR with > instead of using the default unicode one...
If there were only these two to choose from, I can't tell you, which one to use. I would just recommend NOT linking the chosen one to /bin/sh, but using either fish or oil for your daily use cases and linking dash to /bin/sh for keeping your OS scripts POSIX compatible and working.
I, personally, have come to the conclusion, that zsh is good enough for me and will be until something revolutionary happens.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out on something better or if just the Meslo people came out with something great and haven't felt the need to promote it on the web in a few years since they are all gainfully employed.
[0]: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
[1]: https://starship.rs/
As for a replacement for oh-my-zsh itself, I had good experiences with zgen[1] but the fastest I've found is zim-fw[2] which produces acceptable start times for me[3].
[0] https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/
[1] https://github.com/tarjoilija/zgen
jq is also super nice when you have to parse json data.
I also like powerlevel10k: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
Has that changed?
zsh + zinit [0] + powerlevel10k [1] > fish + starship. Powerlevel10k and zinit make prompt initialization time with all my plugins much lower than the equivalent setup in fish; I can start typing as soon as I open a terminal without breaking up my prompt.
gotop/ytop complement glances/htop. They offer a really sleek TUI that uses braille characters to draw graphs.
Poetry > Virtualenv for working in venvs in Python projects.
Distro packages > pyenv, rbenv, nodeenv. Most distros provide packages for multiple interpreter versions, and only use one by default. For example, Fedora uses symlinks: /bin/python -> /bin/python3 -> /bin/python3.8; I also have python3.9 beta, python3.7, and python3.6 installed for testing.
For some usecases, termtosvg can be better than asciinema. termtosvg doesn't require additional software or javascript if the user already has a web browser or other animated SVG viewer.
delta [2] > diff-so-fancy and colordiff. Delta combines language-specific syntax highlighting (foreground) with diff highlighting (background).
nnn [3] > ncdu. It has the functionality of ncdu when sorting by disk usage on top of being the best file manager I've ever used.
[0]: https://github.com/zdharma/zinit
[1]: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
I use powerlevel10k, which is only for zsh. It looks quite similar, aesthetically, but it advertises having the best performance, using a special git status tool. But I know there are other APIs inside of git libraries, and also some rust-based libraries, that could be even faster.
Would be interested in a performance comparison.
Powerlevel10k also uses advanced ZSH. Explained in https://www.reddit.com/r/zsh/comments/b1xxuj/abusing_zsh_par....
There is also information on https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/ that probably didn't exist when you've discovered Powerlevel10k.