We had _just_ settled the emacs vs vi argument when this starts ...

I guess debian/ Ubuntu folks will choose bash, osx people will continue using zsh and the openbsd users will keep using that vanilla sh because of the vintage feel.

On a more serious note: I can't see my commands in manjaro thanks to all the bells and whistles. For some reason that situation reminds me of spacemacs users.

I'm just gonna use fish because I can't be bothered to setup zsh.

zsh can be a real pain to setup if you want a "performant" git status in your prompt. vcs_info is just too damn slow.

I prefer minimal customisation and so tend to stay away from heavy plugins like ohmyzsh, though I have friends who use it and really like it.

https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k claims to do this (and other things) while remaining extremely fast (apparently the dev was aiming to keep it below the threshold of human perception; not 100% sure that extends to all features or not)