I spend loads of time in a shell. One day I'll push my full dotfiles publicly, but until then here's a few snippets I've found super handy. I'd advise against using them verbatim but there's a few things in there that took some time to figure out. Beware they can be somewhat buggy / break things though.

Highlights include:

- Bind C-c/C-v to Copy/Paste, bind C-g to sigterm (Note: Breaks docker interactive unless you mount bashrc into /etc/bashrc or similar!)

- Autorun tmux on SSH session

- Syntax/colour highlighting in zsh interactive, I think there's some diff/less/man magic in there too!

- Log all shell activity to .shell_logs (Be _super_ careful with this one, breaking it could prevent you opening an interactive shell

- Useful grep defaults, particularly relevant when using .shell_logs

Bashrc: https://gist.github.com/YoloClin/f4c82a6e693000a2da20e8029a4...

Zshrc: https://gist.github.com/YoloClin/ffd82f441d292ccc5f25c62a80c...

One thing I've lost love for is Powerline9k - Right-aligned data breaks copy/paste functionality, and patching fonts to get UI-arrows is fiddly for little functional value. If I ever need to fiddle with that stuff again, I'll configure a regular theme to do similar and go without the UI-arrow breaks.

I was considering hiding history-relevant log data (such as current system time) to behind a carriage return, something like PS1="$(date)\r$PS1".

I'm interested in hearing others' cool, non-standard hacks!

I agree with powerlevel9k. i still have marginal enjoyment from the fiddly things thought and i've switched to powerlevel10k [1]. Its noticeably faster and the default settings are minimalist enough for me. does not fix the fact that you need to install fonts which I can't get working on some terminals (urxvt).

[1] https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k