What does HackerNews think of reselect?

Selector library for Redux

Language: TypeScript

> I think more than anything its important to consider your store in the same manner you would a database

Yes and to keep it normalized. IMO, Redux is incomplete without some sort of selector layer, which acts as the metaphorical database views.


If you are in the Redux world I would maybe take a look at Reselect (https://github.com/reduxjs/reselect). As the other comment said, your problem should be solved by shouldComponentUpdate or more granular coupling of state to the component (or a combination).
Not sure I follow. Selectors don't need redux. I use them everywhere.


> Just because you render a bunch of wrapper components (one for each HOC)?

Efficient rendering would involve >not< re-rendering the child on every prop render, but only when the relevant props have changed. Connect does a shallow comparison, so all the props need to be immutable for it to work.

You can use immutablejs to make your object props immutable, but this gets messy fast. I have found it easier to use selectors, and have changes land when an actual change happens, rather than checking for them or organizing your data to facilitate change detection (rather than organizing your data to make it easier to think about).