Maybe this is either an uncommon use case or I'm missing an easy way to do it, but when you have a component tree like A->B->C (-> denoting child relation) and A contains most of the state and B contains many (say > 1k) children, and you keep updating state in A which only affects one or a few of C, the diffing process as I understand will check all of C whether they need to be rerendered. So if you update the state super frequently, let's say on mouse movement, you are doing at least O(C) checks just to update one or so C components.

So maybe you can pass forward refs from A to all the C's and then bypass B in the cases you want to directly trigger rerender on the individual affected C components. Is that the way to handle this scenario?

It's pretty late so the above maybe doesn't make sense, but to try to summarize, having a solution for updating deeply nested children without diffing all of the related components to see if they need rerender.

If you are in the Redux world I would maybe take a look at Reselect ( As the other comment said, your problem should be solved by shouldComponentUpdate or more granular coupling of state to the component (or a combination).