I love Redux but I am very frugal about what I put into the store and have come up with a strong set of design patterns with my team to know what should and should not go there. That, in conjunction with hooks for any other stateful concerns we have, makes for a sane and pleasant dev experience.

IMO the biggest and best draw of Redux is how it allows you to completely separate your business logic from your UI layers. Your components only know about props and state and are rather trivial to test. Hooks are great for re-usable logic as well but my team made the choice to have hooks deal only with localized state concerns and have a robust Actions => Services => Reducer layer for everything that speaks to things outside that constraint. Its worked out wonderfully so far. Tests are a breeze and logic is highly portable. Our UI layer is thin and easy to change.

Its not all roses of course. The Redux store can turn into a rats nest of keys and values with no obvious structure (or worse, duplicated structures). It's something that requires actually sitting down and modelling out your data structures. Sadly that's something I don't see very often (and I am just as guilty as anyone else). The Redux team came up with some good guidelines on this point (too lazy to track the link down but its on the main site) and I think they have some really good ideas. I think more than anything its important to consider your store in the same manner you would a database and approach it with that kind of mindset. As with all things JS, its easy to dive in, hard to untangle yourself! :)

> I think more than anything its important to consider your store in the same manner you would a database

Yes and to keep it normalized. IMO, Redux is incomplete without some sort of selector layer, which acts as the metaphorical database views.
