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Pop!_OS Shell

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For any readers who can't watch a video at the moment:

1. To be precise, Pop Shell is an extension for Gnome, not a separate window manager 2. It's available pre-packaged on Fedora, Arch, and Manjaro 3. It's easy to install from source on other distros

Install instructions & source available here: 1. https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-shell/ 2. https://github.com/pop-os/shell

I use it as a daily driver on Debian 11. It's the best balance of tiling and "normal" desktop UI I've found so far.

I quite like Pop!_OS Shell (https://github.com/pop-os/shell) for tiling on Gnome, it feels like the right compromise for me of tiling while still having access to a full DE. Seems that installing it on other distribution should be easy enough.
One of my best friends uses the Pop Shell [1] GNOME extension to bring in an i3-like experience. It seems to lag behind a few GNOME versions, but system76 has instructions on how to use it on other distributions if you don't want to use Pop!_OS [2]

[1] - https://github.com/pop-os/shell [2] - https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-shell/

I am actually a pretty happy GNOME user -- granted, it is due to being able to tweak my experience with GNOME extensions and managing the aspects I care about with dconf settings managed with Home-Manager/Nix.

These are the GNOME extensions I find critical to me enjoying the UI:

- PopOS' Shell[0] for tiling windows

- Just Perfection[1] for making the appearance even more minimal/removing elements I don't use

I think if the GNOME team removed extension support altogether, I would absolutely switch to KDE. But for now, I get an extremely minimal desktop, and I really like it.

That being said, I typically live in my terminal, so I don't spend much time actually using the tools provided with my desktop environment.

(Just want to vocalize that there is at least one person who enjoys GNOME's approach of visually staying out of my way, but giving me a robust backend when I need it)

[0] https://github.com/pop-os/shell

[1] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3843/just-perfection/

I used to be a huge i3 user (and sometimes I give in to the temptation to load it up and mess with my config). I love tweaking my desktop to make it look like it should be on /r/unixporn. However, there are certain desktop things I don't enjoy messing with at all:

- audio

- displays

- bluetooth

Audio is especially confusing on Linux because there are so many parts to one system. Even after researching PulseAudio, ALSA, Pipewire, Jack, etc. it is super hard for me to know exactly what does what on my Linux machines.

I found that with i3 I often spent more time tweaking my desktop than actually doing work. However, I think that tweaking like this is actually super fun and educational on how Linux display stuff works -- I would never discourage someone from taking the time to mess around with i3, bspwm, or an alternative.

My perfect balance is GNOME plus the Pop! OS shell extension[1]. I'm not a Pop! OS user (and likely never will be) but I loooove having tiling in GNOME and being able to have all the stuff I don't like to manage just work.

[1] https://github.com/pop-os/shell

EDIT: minor grammar tweak

I've sadly had a similar experience with System 76's Pop Shell[0]. That said I suspect graphical workloads and applications designed around conventional sizes and aspec ratios are generally not well suites for TWMs.

[0]: https://github.com/pop-os/shell

Just to add to this, System 76 have released a Gnome extension that gives Gnome a nice tiling implementation that I find quite productive. The usual distros have it packaged in their repos.

More info: https://github.com/pop-os/shell

After installing the package, you’ll need to log out and back in and enable it in Extensions.

If you're interested in the tiling features of Pop OS, they're also available as a standalone extension for GNOME Shell. Very little friction to test them out (if you're already running GNOME).



Its neither i3 nor Sway. Its their own implementation on top of GNOME. i3, sway are too complicated for first time users and requires lot of configuration and tweaks. Personally I found Pop Shell is the best thing that can get anyone started with simple toggle on/off, customisation of shortcuts and available out of the box.


Also note that you can install the automatic tiling extension in other GNOME-based distros, you necessarily don't need PopOS to use it (though I had some weird bugs with it in Manjaro, it's probably going to be more unstable than PopOS's integration)


I don't know if the thing they're announcing here is just an extension, but the features mentioned in the article all come included in the pop shell gnome extension.


It's just a set of about 3 gnome extensions, at least on Pop OS 20.10 right now. So in theory you just need to install the gnome extensions and you're good: https://github.com/pop-os/shell

I've been using it for a year and love it--typing this reply in a browser window tiled next to a terminal. It's easy to add little exceptions too for modal apps you want to hover outside the tiling.

Pop Shell is also great [1]. I use it with PopOS but you can use the tiling Shell with other distros, Manjaro etc.

1: https://github.com/pop-os/shell

pop shell is one way to solve this problem https://github.com/pop-os/shell

if you use pop os they also have a hidpi daemon

Pop Shell from System76 also does something similar. That is a gnome shell extension that provides tiling window management. It's focus is keyboard driven window navigation and has the option to switch between tiling and floating mode.


One thing I've learned from using i3wm and trying various other tiling shells/scripts over time is a stacking mode is crucial to my workflow.

It doesn't look like this has one. There's an outstanding PR to add stacking to Pop Shell [0] that I'm hopeful about.

[0] https://github.com/pop-os/shell

For work and "power usage", Fedora Workstation has the best "Ubuntu" experience outside of Ubuntu I'd say. You can also go for Fedora Silverblue to get some NixOS-like powers with your Fedora (I expect that to be folded into Workstation eventually).

Notable diferences that might influence your decision are:

- RPMs instead of DEBs;

- Flatpaks instead of Snaps;

- Podman and Buildah instead of Docker (although you can get Docker if you really need to use that);

- SELinux enabled by default (some people don't like this for non-server usage, but I dig it);

- firewalld comes enabled by default, which may be annoying and unexpected if you're trying to get some iptables rule to work (I personally always remove firewalld and install ufw for the things I need);

- Fedora 33 (due for release next month) will be switching to btrfs as the default filesystem, whose features are definitely welcome for home usage (but I'll wait a bit before upgrading and see if people run into any issues);

- I'd also highly recommend installing Pop!_OS's Pop Shell [0] to add great tiling support for GNOME, but that goes for anyone using GNOME really

[0] https://github.com/pop-os/shell

If you like gaming though, I never tried setting up Steam or a ProtonDB game on Fedora to be able to report on that (I think it would be complicated enough to make me wanna switch distros), but if you'll be doing this a lot, Pop!_OS (Ubuntu based, snaps disabled) has a great out-of-box experience with Steam, as does Manjaro (Arch based) which has an excellent hardware detection and driver auto-installer tool called mhwd, and makes setting up NVIDIA cards and other finicky hardware a breeze.

Seconding Pop!_OS, utterly fantastic distro.

Based on Ubuntu but with a bunch of manual patches + tweaks and driver support additions (particularly Nvidia). Really solid stock UI, and it even comes with a tiling WM built in.


I've recently installed Pop!_OS, mostly because I heard good things about its installer (setting up FDE on a secondary SSD is completely insane in Ubuntu).

But their tiling window manager extension is the real gem in my opinion. It's very clearly a v1.0, but I am still surprised by how much I enjoy it: https://github.com/pop-os/shell