Actually there is a market for this in my view.

Pop_OS has an useful Gnome implementation, I liked especially the option to switch from normal to tiled windows (and I hate childish UI/UX of Gnome). If they pull this off I am willing to pay for it.

I hate the new direction of Mac OS UI. They have forgotten what made them beloved from UI/UX perspective and I have no interest anymore in "vertical integration" for ruling the world.

So, if System76 invests in learning the best practices (and especially the old Apple HIG documentation) they can create the Real Linux Desktop revolution.

Just focus on serious minimalism, accessibility and traditional interface paradigms without trying to be liked by the masses or following any "trend".

As a designer I love their identity. They have the courage to create difference in a world filled with mediocrity, conformism and wishful "colorful" thinking.

Just to add to this, System 76 have released a Gnome extension that gives Gnome a nice tiling implementation that I find quite productive. The usual distros have it packaged in their repos.

More info:

After installing the package, you’ll need to log out and back in and enable it in Extensions.