What does HackerNews think of general.el?
More convenient key definitions in emacs
Emacs Lisp
As another commenter pointed out, what you're probably looking for is general.el: https://github.com/noctuid/general.el
I can vouch for general.el[1]. It's easy to use and it integrates with use-package clauses, which-key and evil states. You can look at my config[2] for examples.
1. https://github.com/noctuid/general.el
2. https://github.com/gekoke/dotfiles/blob/main/modules/program...
In that case, I recommend using `general`, which is designed to make configuring EVIL keymaps very easy. It also provides a `use-package` keyword. I use it for all of my keybindings even though I don't use EVIL.
Install evil-mode and evil-collection. I use general.el to configure a leader key and make my a personalized, stripped-down spacemacs. It's heaven.
https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection https://github.com/noctuid/general.el
It can, and a significant part of the community uses that setup including me. You might be interested in checking
1. Spacemacs - http://spacemacs.org/: A config for emacs with starter packs. They have a good collection of leader key and vim bindings.
2. evil mode and evil-leader - Well integrated standalone vim emulation and leader key.
I personally started building into vim keybindings in emacs via spacemacs, and then over time created my own config with the features I needed from spacemacs (which is much more than just vim emulation).
PS: Should also mention https://github.com/noctuid/general.el. I don't use this one, but it is pretty popular too.