Might I suggest some alternatives:

* Window manager: i3 or i3-gaps

* File manager: ranger or nnn

* Documents/Presentation: vim + markdown + pandoc. You can use pandoc to create both documents and slide presentations!

* PDF viewer: zathura

Here's the setup I like to use. A little complicated for some but I really like it:

* Window manager: emacs

* File manager: emacs

* Documents/Presentation: emacs + latex mode

* PDF viewer: emacs

I tried emacs for about a week, but ended up just going back to vim because I'm comfortable with it.

However - over the years, I've realized that its not vim that I want, its really vim keybindings that I want. I have them built into pretty much everything (file manager, browsers, PDF navigation, etc). I like the workflow.

Can you recommend any good 'vim to emacs' conversion guides that keep the same vim keybinding workflow?

Install evil-mode and evil-collection. I use general.el to configure a leader key and make my a personalized, stripped-down spacemacs. It's heaven.

https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection https://github.com/noctuid/general.el