Why not just run a tiling wm like i3 and use emacs 'make-frame'.

With EXWM, X windows are Emacs buffers and rendered inside of Emacs windows, so you switch between X windows the same way you switch between Emacs buffers; you use the same tiling system for both Emacs and other programs, so you don't need an extra set of key bindings, etc. It's a very nice unification.

Does emacs have a common leader key set up ? I’m new to emacs

It can, and a significant part of the community uses that setup including me. You might be interested in checking 1. Spacemacs - http://spacemacs.org/: A config for emacs with starter packs. They have a good collection of leader key and vim bindings. 2. evil mode and evil-leader - Well integrated standalone vim emulation and leader key.

I personally started building into vim keybindings in emacs via spacemacs, and then over time created my own config with the features I needed from spacemacs (which is much more than just vim emulation).

PS: Should also mention https://github.com/noctuid/general.el. I don't use this one, but it is pretty popular too.