What does HackerNews think of firejail?

Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox

Language: C

The owner module can control outbound communication by uid/gid. [1] There are no modules to handle things by PID AFAIK. This can however be accomplished by SELinux and Apparmor custom rules but that is a loaded topic.

Firejail [2] and Bubblewrap [3] can put limits on application capabilities and/or take away network access. Firejail has default policies for many applications, all of which can be overridden by user configurations in their home directory. Firejail leverages Linux Capabilities and AppArmor. For example, when I launch VLC even if it were configured to pull down album information, it could not. If one day they added default-enabled telemetry to VLC it would go nowhere.

A round-about and heavy handed way to manage communications by PID would be to isolation applications in their own VM or container and map the VM or container to a unique user or group.

[1] - https://ipset.netfilter.org/iptables-extensions.man.html

[2] - https://github.com/netblue30/firejail

[3] - https://github.com/containers/bubblewrap

I am one of the few exceptions not the rule so take what I say with a grain of salt. I browse the web with JavaScript and external fonts disabled. I also force every site to use the same font and font size.

I enable JavaScript if I know who is running a site and where their company is located and/or if I have a binding contract with them. Even then I use disposable containers [1] for those sites and run bleachbit before/after visiting such sites and use sqlite3 to clear visit_time from places.sqlite. I launch Firefox from firejail [2] with AppArmor enforcement.

[1] - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/temporary-con...

[2] - https://github.com/netblue30/firejail

For GUI applications, firejail might be easier to use. It too isolates applications from your system, but comes with a bunch of pre-configured profiles for many popular applications (including proprietary ones), thus requiring zero configuration.

Some of its more interesting features (in addition to the obvious path/privilege restrictions):

- putting the application into a separate network namespace with its own firewall rules/network interfaces (for example, you can force Firefox to work through a VPN connection only, or block incoming connections with your main firewall rules and allow them for a single application)

- using a separate X server for each application (works pretty much transparently)

- setting resource limits (network bandwidth, memory, CPU, I/O; although not as flexible as systemd limits, they can be combined)

- running `sudo firecfg` once will create a bunch of symlinks for all applications installed on your system and supported by firejail. After that, those applications will run under a sandbox automatically. Or you can create them manually (I did it for the PDF reader and such).


Use firejail, it's a "one click" solution with prepackaged profiles.


It uses the same kernel knobs as systemd does, but is more user-friendly and has more features.

I use it for every application that handles data received from other machines: books, images, documents, whatever.

This is a very handy command in day-to-day work, actually. For example, I use to limit the total amount of memory available to an application, including page cache:

  $ systemd-run --user --scope --property=MemoryHigh=1G qbittorrent
It works just as you'd expect — if qbittorrent's working set goes above 1024 MiB, it pushes the least recently used page out of the page cache. Doesn't really have any effects on upload or download speeds, while helping to keep more useful data in memory.

Many isolation flags are not available in `systemd-run --user`, though, so if you'd like to have some protection you either have to combine `sudo systemd-run` with `su -c`, or wrap the command in firejail.


> Is there any way to prevent it?

Firejail[0] allows cobbling together various linux sandboxing features, including namespaces which should result in an isolated proc filesystem which doesn't see the other processes. But I don't know if the default profile for zoom does that, you have to test it or write your own.

[0] https://github.com/netblue30/firejail

Sandboxing is a huge issue that plagues desktop operating systems. And sadly is it only one piece of the puzzle. Android for example additionally has detailed SELinux policies and extensive compile time hardening.

You can sandbox the majority of your apps on desktop Linux today with two simple commands:

- sudo apt/dnf install firejail

- sudo firecfg

Project: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail

Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-Mso2bSr3o

Disclosure, I am a contributor to firejail.

Also if you are already using flatpaks, you can install flatseal to easily point and click which permissions you want:


Lastly you can sandbox your systemd daemons:


Have fun!

I think so far the best setup Ive seen of this for browser restriction for a session is with running the browser in firejail. https://github.com/netblue30/firejail
I have a much more up-to-date and comprehensive GPL-3.0 package called 'brace' available here: https://github.com/divestedcg/brace

Supports Fedora, Arch, Debian, and openSUSE.

Has GNOME, Firefox, kernel cmdline, sysctl, firewalld, NetworkManager, and systemd unit hardening among other things.

Goes well with firejail (am a developer of): https://github.com/netblue30/firejail

For this job you probably want to use Firejail -


It's actually more mature for desktop sandboxing then the other solutions because its been effective for years and has a lot of community work on sandboxing -


If you want to use a prepackaged application vs sandboxing a new app or something in your distribution you should go with -


Not every app is well sandboxed with flatpak but this is the goal and they are making very good progress. Also a great way to track a larger project that your distribution doesn't keep up to date as you'd like.

just to note -- flatpak/flathub use bubblewrap under the covers which is very promising but I don't see the community profiles like firejail yet.

I'm not sure if you are aware of the difference, but you can use Chromium instead of Chrome.

I am mainly a Firefox user on NixOS, but for running Chrom{e,ium} I find that Firejail [0] is a good option. For example, to run chromium in "store" mode and point it to the demo jitsi instance:

    firejail --profile=chromium chromium --app="https://meet.jit.si"
In reality, I combine this with `nix-shell` and set it as a shell alias, since Chromium isn't something I use regularly:

    nix-shell -p chromium --run "firejail --profile=chromium chromium --app=\"https://meet.jit.si\""
The `--app` option removes browser controls, so it almost behaves like an Electron application.

[0]: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail

This is what firejail tries to do?


Anything beyond that, and I think you need qubes-os:


Last time I checked they were working on a TBB sandbox [1] Let's hope it will be there soon, subgraph has oz[2] and can be used with any program really then there is firejail[3] but these 2 are only on Linux available.

1: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/q-and-yawning-angel 2: https://github.com/subgraph/oz 3: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail