I just want to have my tabs stop talking to other tabs and their resources / cookies / caches / spyware / tentacles. Every tab should be a VM. I am willing to pay a significant performance penalty to achieve that. I have a password manager, and I'm 100% OK with having to sign-in for every tab as well.

I'm surprised no browser vendor actually ever tried that.

Just in case you're unaware, you've seen Container Tabs, right? Now exactly what you want, but a pretty big step towards it.

Containers are built-in; this extension adds the interface for showing it per tab.


"Just in case you're unaware, you've seen Container Tabs, right? Now exactly what you want, but a pretty big step towards it."

Container tabs are better than nothing but what I have been wishing for for years is the ability to chroot jail a GUI application.

There would be very little performance penalty (vs. a full VM for each browser) since you aren't emulating the entire machine - it's just a chroot.

The idea is that in addition to their own root store of cookies/metadata/history/etc., each browser container could have its own IP address. I don't want to just keep my banking tab from talking to my throwaway-gmail-account tab - I want them to operate on different networks.

You can do this right now, with significant performance penalty, by running a full blown VM for each browser. There should be a way to run a GUI app in a chroot jail, but displaying to the same display.

EDIT: In fact, I have lamented this not existing for so many years I think I will have rsync.net fund it...

This is what firejail tries to do?


Anything beyond that, and I think you need qubes-os:
