Sad to see this is dependent on an extension to WebRTC that’s (currently) Chrome / Chromium-only. It’s still a proposed API, and I don’t see when this will be supported by any other browsers.

Really, really sad. I’m not going to run Chrome for this one application.

I'm not sure if you are aware of the difference, but you can use Chromium instead of Chrome.

I am mainly a Firefox user on NixOS, but for running Chrom{e,ium} I find that Firejail [0] is a good option. For example, to run chromium in "store" mode and point it to the demo jitsi instance:

    firejail --profile=chromium chromium --app=""
In reality, I combine this with `nix-shell` and set it as a shell alias, since Chromium isn't something I use regularly:

    nix-shell -p chromium --run "firejail --profile=chromium chromium --app=\"\""
The `--app` option removes browser controls, so it almost behaves like an Electron application.
