What does HackerNews think of services?

Real World Micro Services

Language: Go

We used Micro to build and offer Micro services on M3O. Every API to you see there is powered by the open source equivalent Micro service here https://github.com/micro/services
Thanks, that made now more sense. I'd put this condensed together with https://micro.dev/blog/2022/09/27/real-world-micro-services.... more prominently to the readme of https://github.com/micro/services ! Looking at that github alone makes it hard to commect the context.
Thanks for the comments and questions. I'll do my best to answer them.

> Are things hosted on some other cloud provider, if so where? What region?

Our core platform is currently hosted on DigitalOcean in the London region. That will expand to multiple regions and multiple providers over time. We did start that way many years ago but with a small team it's hard to manage.

> What about uptime? If I end up building an application with all of these APIs, I do need a bit more confidence that things will be stable.

We want to be able to provide uptime guarantees in the near future. Right now I'll say based on our experience running it in the past 9-12 months it's feeling like four 9s verging on 5 but I don't want to jinx us. We are dependent on our providers but we're also people who have managed platforms for many years.

> the crypto endpoint looks interesting, but for me, it would be quite crucial to know where the data is from? How often is it updated?

Our crypto APIs are currently powered Finage.co.uk. We do some level of caching on our side but only for 5-10 mins. I'll try add some details around that in the overview. You can see the source at https://github.com/micro/services

> For the "Google" endpoint, I'm missing the option to select mobile or desktop results, and also what's the default region? Is this done via a headless chrome instance running somewhere, or just curling results? Do I have to worry that your IPs will be blacklisted by Google if there are too many queries?

This is using Google's custom JSON query API. It's pretty limited but we also started with a very simple usecase. You're the first to ask for anything more advanced and that's how we'd look into it. So happy to dig in more and see if we can work on it.

> And a random idea for the "Comments" API it would be great to combine it with the "Spam" endpoint that's available for emails.

Thanks will look into it!

Thanks for the comments. Yea so we used to say "Powered By X" to indicate what the APIs were backed by but it was a little hacky. We'll try to reintroduce something back into specify the "source". You can otherwise see all the source code for the services in a monorepo on GitHub https://github.com/micro/services. Would be interested to get feedback on a better way to make it available.
No, that's incorrect. We provide a catalog of services as public APIs consumed via HTTP/JSON. So far we offer 35+ services which you can see here https://m3o.com/explore. Those services are open source and you can see the source code at https://github.com/micro/services. The entire suite of services are built using the Micro platform which is also open source. Think Android for Cloud.
We had standardisation at the protocol level for the internet which let us build services on top, but now we're looking for the same at the app level. HTTP was meant for web pages, we never created anything for Apps and Services. What that new standard is going to look like, I have no idea, gRPC does well to define the APIs and so we use it across dozens of services here https://github.com/micro/services. Curious to hear what others think will happen.
Hi, thanks for asking. This is the first time I've seen the project realworld so please excuse my ignorance, I'm not in the JS community. We will have a look and try to get around to this. Right now you can look at https://github.com/micro/services for any of our backend examples.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm assuming you mean the website. We have info and tutorial in docs but agree we could provide more clarity on the website. There is a redesign coming in the next few weeks. There are tutorials in the docs and many code examples in https://github.com/micro/services. The blog post also links to this code. But again I agree we could do more to showcase it. This post was more to demonstrate positioning of us in the market and fill the gap for those building stuff with Netlify.
Yes! We are Netlify for the backend and in fact our next post will be titled "Netlify for your frontend, Micro for the backend". We think there's really a need to do what Netlify did for frontend to the backend and just help people build APIs and services super fast.

The M3O Docs have some content about getting started with things quickly https://docs.m3o.com/getting-started but we need to add more. The open source docs are a great reference https://micro.mu/reference and otherwise we're working on some sample services in https://github.com/micro/services.

Well luckily M3O is M[icr]o so I think we're going to get away with it for the long term :)

I think most people are effectively doing some form of CRUD on the backend that's then consumed by web apps or mobile. In our case we've built out a number of example applications in https://github.com/micro/services.