Your page doesn't show any of the backend code being deployed. I don't even know what language it's in.

So it's a little hard for me to compare it to Netlify, which does have backend support in the form of lambdas, and a database in the form of FaunaDB. That's fairly limited, but it's also very easy.

Clicking through to the github page, it looks like the examples are in Go... though I also see a Dockerfile. For me, I'd be more interested in having your blurb page focus more on how one writes the back end, since that's what you're really selling.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm assuming you mean the website. We have info and tutorial in docs but agree we could provide more clarity on the website. There is a redesign coming in the next few weeks. There are tutorials in the docs and many code examples in The blog post also links to this code. But again I agree we could do more to showcase it. This post was more to demonstrate positioning of us in the market and fill the gap for those building stuff with Netlify.