I've been learning golang for backend dev, and for that reason checked your project. Is this sort of like Netlify for the backend?

Are there any examples of how the repository/database layer fits here?

What'll happen to the name m3o when Micro reaches 4.0?

Yes! We are Netlify for the backend and in fact our next post will be titled "Netlify for your frontend, Micro for the backend". We think there's really a need to do what Netlify did for frontend to the backend and just help people build APIs and services super fast.

The M3O Docs have some content about getting started with things quickly https://docs.m3o.com/getting-started but we need to add more. The open source docs are a great reference https://micro.mu/reference and otherwise we're working on some sample services in https://github.com/micro/services.

Well luckily M3O is M[icr]o so I think we're going to get away with it for the long term :)