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Magit for VSCode

Language: TypeScript

> Using the Vscode extension version [...]

Are you referring to https://github.com/kahole/edamagit ?

Yes but there is a VS Code version of it that is pretty decent: https://github.com/kahole/edamagit
VSCode has an extension for that too, edamagit[0] :)

One of the big appeals of VSCode for me is the huge community around it, and the range of plugins available.

[0] https://github.com/kahole/edamagit

I had a similar experience recently, where I had to spend some time working in TypeScript on a React front-end and my emacs really was falling over unfortunately. Tried tide, tried the LSP, but ultimately I found myself in VSCode in order to make the deadline. Turns out there is a pretty great magit layer in VSCode (https://github.com/kahole/edamagit), and as a former long term vim user that had been using spacemacs, a great spacemacs-like bundle for VSCode (https://github.com/VSpaceCode/VSpaceCode).

It’s the first time I’ve actually felt like I could drop emacs if I wanted to, I actually was enjoying the setup.

If you feel like trying out something quite similar to magit via a code plugin you can have a look at edamagit, it tries to be magit but in vscode. I have used both magit and edamagit, and edamgit does the job for most features I use on a day to day basis(the most important one for me is staging/un-staging/discarding hunks in a easy way), but is is noticeably slower then magit in emacs. See https://github.com/kahole/edamagit