I really love the discoverability provided by the popups.

Besides that it looks so good that I want to try out emacs.

Currently I'm using vscode, but many (supposedly very good/main/major) plugins where not so good.

Sometimes fancy looks where favored over usability. Sometimes discoverable of features was just bad and sometimes they where just buggy (like the typescript language server).

Edit: just to be clear, Atom was way worse when I did use it before.

If you feel like trying out something quite similar to magit via a code plugin you can have a look at edamagit, it tries to be magit but in vscode. I have used both magit and edamagit, and edamgit does the job for most features I use on a day to day basis(the most important one for me is staging/un-staging/discarding hunks in a easy way), but is is noticeably slower then magit in emacs. See https://github.com/kahole/edamagit