I've always thought, as a Developer, that somehow I'm missing out by not learning Emacs or VIM.

Some of the Devs I've worked with move so fast in these tools it's mind boggling!

I'm an old school Mac person... I mouse and click things :-)

I'm fairly quick with Emacs... But these days VS Code is so good I don't really miss it. Command palette kind of feels like M-x

Sometimes I feel like I'm too quick that Emacs is trying to catch up, that's the problem. Emacs native compilation made things a lot faster, but I reckon VS Code out of the box plus some extensions makes it a much better value proposition. It's difficult to go back to grepping when VSCode let's you see your regex results _on the fly_

I still use Emacs for Magit. I would pay for a Magit for VSCode implementation

You might be interested in https://github.com/kahole/edamagit