What does HackerNews think of gollum?
A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
Edit and view pages as a normal markdown wiki. But the backend is just a git repository of markdown files so you can also just use your text editor and git pull/push. Usable by any novice but with the ideal power user interface.
Working Copy works decently well on iOS. Gollum [1] on desktop operating systems provides a web interface to the notes. For some shameless self-promotion, I’ve been hacking on a clone of Gollum called Smeagol [2]. It is written in Rust so it is quite a bit faster to install and run on some of my low powered systems than installing Gollum.
[1]: https://github.com/gollum/gollum [2]: https://smeagol.dev/
You can even run this on your own computer without an internet connection. Working Copy on iOS supports. Gollum, originally created by Tom Preston-Werner, strives to be compatiable with GitHub's wiki feature [2]. For my part, I've been learning Rust by writing a clone of Gollum called Smeagol [3].
Though really the point of the original article is: all these tool don't matter. Your plain text files can live longer than any of particular tool and continue to be useful.
[1] https://workingcopyapp.com/
To serve your md files as a traditional wiki in browsers, there's a git backed wiki named Gollum that also uses md files in a basic folder structure. https://github.com/gollum/gollum You can see where I'm going with this.
Gollum doesn't have user authentication or anything fancy, it just renders and edits md files. I tried it. There didn't seem to be a difference between Obsidian's and Gollum's markdown. When I committed my entire Obsidian vault to a git repo, I could still choose to have Gollum serve the entire vault, or just a subdirectory in the repo. I could also disable all editing in Gollum.
While Obsidian is working directly with the md files, Gollum doesn't update until I actually commit the changes. Obsidian is basically an IDE for my wiki now.
I was mostly satisfied with Joplin syncing to OneDrive prior to today's experiment. But now I think Obsidian + Git + Gollum deserves a closer look. It might be a bit overkill for my personal wiki, but it could work in a team setting if everyone works on the wiki like they would a normal git project.
Err, no? They're preserved in the source just fine.
> images
Good riddance.
> Additional complication is, if these are multiple wiki pages, you have to save each separately.
Depends on your wiki system. For example, Gollum[0] (GitHub's wiki) stores everything in a Git repo, so it's trivial to get everything out using your regular file management tools.
> And again, normal users are not going to use sqlite, h2 or derby without having some kind of forms frontend.
DBeaver seems fine to me, and supports pretty much everything.
It's just markdown files in a git repository when you're in your full environment. But you get a read-write web wiki interface to use from anywhere.
You can synchronize with Simplenote — https://simplenote.com/ — which has a mobile version so your notes are viewable on your phone.
You can also use double brackets for wiki functionality to automatically create a link to another page of the same name. For example, [[this]] would create a link to a page called ’this’.
Another option that is good for many people working together is Gollum, a wiki system built on top of Git. It is the basis for GitHub’s wiki pages, if I remember correctly: https://github.com/gollum/gollum
Most people would probably want the more powerful extension[1] which also has wiki link navigation, but it also has some incompatibilities with my setup.
I use a wiki-ish repo. A Journal.md that is my primary work log, but I also make little subpages when I want to expand into something specific or reference something previous.
So, I might do [[2018-10-11_issue_cron-aws-replication-issue]]. If the issue is more complicated, I would just roll it into a more general [[issue_cron-aws-replication-issue]]. I usually don't need to do this, and I try to not let it grow to be too complicated. But having it be somewhat structured has been really helpful. The links can act as tags, and I occasionally use symlinks as redirects. My Git.md page has lots of things I've learned at this job in it.
I keep it synced with my private git repo[2], where the Markdown wiki syntax works seamlessly with the Gollum wiki[3]. This also works if you want to access your wiki hosted on a private github repo.
[1]: https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownEditing
It used to be harder to stand it up for personal use, but now it's quite easy.
I write my notes in Markdown, and have fenced code blocks. It provides search. You can do diffs.
- https://xph.us/2013/01/22/inbox-zero-for-life.html for managing email
- bitlbee + weechat for managing social messaging. Slack for work.
- A custom deployment of https://github.com/gollum/gollum for managing all notes, personal and work related. Can easily share Markdown files with teammates / friends. https://github.com/zachlatta/mullog is code for custom deployment. I usually edit locally using vim and have tons of shell scripts specific to note management to automate file creation, renaming, and git usage. This is my most used life system and I'm almost constantly using it.
- Arch Linux with i3 and tons of custom scripts for managing how I use my computer. Have heavily customized my machine in https://github.com/zachlatta/dotfiles.
It's difficult to predict the future and unlikely that someone else will build a tool that will always meet my personal needs, especially as they change over time. Better to use systems that lend themselves to customization so I can always build systems that work for me – hence heavy reliance on scriptable programs.
1. Download and install a wiki application to each computer we use, including pocket ones.
2. Editing the wiki on each computer saves to offline local storage.
3. An option to define a personal central server is available in settings. If this is activated and our login credentials are set each app auto-syncs with server automatically whenever wifi is available or a 'sync' button on the top-right of the viewport is activated. Furthermore, an open source example implementation of this server, perhaps powered by sandstorm.io and Google App Engine, is made available.
In other words, an open source app on each owned computing device editable using WikiWords that automatically create /w/WikiWords pages, synchronized across devices. Bonus points for eventual options to publish a version of the wiki and make it editable by anyone, perhaps using [Git](https://github.com/gollum/gollum/).
I got this idea from the Manage Your Knowledge section of Andy Hunt's [Pragmatic Thinking and Learning](https://pragprog.com/book/ahptl/pragmatic-thinking-and-learn...), that I warmly recommend to anyone interested in learning.
This is getting more and more relvent since solid competition is starting to crop up everywhere. Gitlab, Bitbucket, GOGs, Gitolite, Gerrit. Not apples to apples of course, but Enterprise has a lot of decisions when it comes to git control.
Even the things that could be considered Github "lockins" aren't really so: Google's git-appraise[0] could make pull-requests portable, Github's wikis are portable by their very nature[1], software like git-issues[2] could make issues portable. Not in the immediate, but decentralize-everything is a rising sentiment.
The only real lockins I see are Github's work-flow and social community. If either become toxic, developers will start to look elsewhere. Like Microsoft, I'm sure Github can ride the majority-player wave for years before it starts really hurting them, but simply saying a community-centric company only has to look out for their paying community's interests is short-sighted.
[0] https://github.com/google/git-appraise [1] https://github.com/gollum/gollum [2] https://github.com/duplys/git-issues
What are those? Gollum is a wiki[1], yes? Ghost is the new blogging platform[2]? What's Dillinger?
That said, I like basic idea of extending magpie with a PDF scraper and email. Maybe it would spare some energy to fork gollum and add extension to it to make it more Evernote-like?
Gollum: https://github.com/gollum/gollum
Gitit: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gitit-0.1.1
Git-wiki: https://github.com/sr/git-wiki
WiGit: http://el-tramo.be/wigit/
https://github.com/gollum/gollum / git@github.com:gollum/gollum.wiki.git
As such, you can clone wikis, work on them locally, and push changes later just like any other git repo.
Named after the software that powers the wiki.
Notably, grit [1] (git bindings for ruby), gollum [2] (wiki on git), and hubot [3] (chat robot).
To ask a company to open source their core, revenue-generating product is a little bit much. The reason Chrome can be open source is because Google Search isn't.
[0] https://github.com/github [1] https://github.com/gollum/gollum [2] https://github.com/github/hubot