Kind of telling that of the other comments I see here so far, nobody seems to be addressing what the article is about: because they don't trust github, a for-profit company who hides their source code, to not some day pull a Sourceforge.

We had this discussion in the GNU project. The basic conclusion I could see was that simply using github as a place to host the repo like Linus does with Linux is not a problem. In typical GNU fashion, the biggest problem people saw was with the non-free javascript that entails from using the github web interface. Some also were concerned with whole SaSS problem with github, were they tie you up with wikis, bug trackers, pull requests and a lot of other things around just git hosting that are difficult to transplant to another service.

The wiki is trivial to export (it's just, and you can clone the git repo with your wiki data directly). Issues and PRs are less trivial, but there's nothing inherently difficult about writing an exporter. The lock-in mostly comes from the ecosystem of third-party tools that's gradually developing which either only support github or work poorly with other hosts.