What does HackerNews think of gitea?

Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service

Language: Go

#3 in Go
#2 in Go
#21 in Hacktoberfest
Gitea does this too, unfortunately [0]. Codeberg (Forgejo) [1] and GitLab [2] both are dogfooding with no presence on GitHub, which is definitely a better look.

[0] https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

[1] https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo

[2] https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab

> The only solution is to self-host. Gitea is good.

Gitea project hosts its code on GitHub: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea. You must admit that is a bit ironic.

> age of massive ever-growing out of control tech monopolies that do whatever the fuck they want

GitHub is not the only option for source code hosting. There are alternatives like GitLab, Bitbucket, and numerous smaller ones.

Codeberg source https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/gitea

Codeberg is a fork of Gitea https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea which curiously uses GitHub for hosting.

It appears as if the main repo along with issue tracking and pull requests is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea - At least it looks that way, are issues/pull requests mirrored across to GitHub?

I have to admit, if the GitHub repo is the main source for issues/PRs, it's a bit of a yellow flag that they're not dogfooding it.

That being said - if I didn't need easy CI support I'd probably be using Gitea instead of GitLab CE - GitLab CE is great but it's a resource hog and feels like it's getting slower over the years.

I tried to look at the Gitea repo to see how fast they get commits, but github is 500ing :-(


This has already been the case for git repositories since day one. What makes github unique is the workflow management for teams of developers. I think one of the issues is that people default to the easiest choice of using github or gitlab rather than self hosting their own system [1].

[1] - https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

> Open source needs to pull its head out of its collective ass and not hand over its entire workflow to private companies.

Well, for starters, there is GitLab which attempts to do a lot of what GitHub does, while allowing you to self host it: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab

In some respects, i'd say that it does things better, for example, GitLab CI seems way easier to use in comparison to GitHub Actions: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/

As far as alternative source code management platforms go, with some code review and issue management functionality added on top, there is also Gogs, which is a far more lightweight solution and better fits smaller deployments: https://github.com/gogs/gogs

It was also forked by the Gitea project, which is largely compatible with it but is also in active development: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

Oh and there's also GitBucket which also attempts something similar to these: https://github.com/gitbucket/gitbucket

Now, you can probably hook those up with Jenkins or most other CI solutions, but personally i rather enjoyed how Gogs/Gitea integrated with Drone, which allowed for container based builds (no more plugin hell like in Jenkins): https://github.com/drone/drone

Then, you can throw in some additional tools, for example, for code analysis you could use SonarQube ( https://github.com/SonarSource ) and for security scanning of infrastructure you could look at OpenVAS ( https://github.com/greenbone ).

Oh, and on the organizational side something like Rocket.Chat ( https://github.com/RocketChat ) or Mattermost ( https://github.com/mattermost ) for communication and perhaps OpenProject ( https://github.com/opf/openproject ) for project management.

And there you have it! An open source based workflow that allows you to do most of the stuff that GitHub would let you! Of course, concessions might need to be made depending on what your definition of "open" is and whether you're okay with certain features being restricted to paid tiers in some software; if you do have a problem with that, there's also the possibility of looking at some libre alternatives, though that might lead to the occasional half-dead piece of software that doesn't really have financial incentives for maintenance anymore on anyone's part.

That said, i believe that few choose this approach, because it's somewhat complicated to run all of that and all of the sudden you become responsible for your own SLAs, which many don't want. It's often the same reason why people just provision VPSes from AWS, instead of running their own servers in a server room. I think the amount of links to GitHub for open source above speaks volumes about the state of the industry.

I don't think that there's an easy answer to the implications of this, maybe people should just familiarize themselves with the concept of "Service as a Software Substitute", so that they're at least aware of the trade-offs that their choices have: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-s...

The gogs maintainer currently seems to not be doing much with it and seems to be ignoring security reports. I would probably recommend the gitea fork instead.


Gitea isn't too bad to hack on, it's just Go and Go templates for the HTML pages. I haven't dug in much to see what their API looks like but I assume it's not too wild or radically different from any other Go web project and easy to change as necessary: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea
I find that gitlab is generally overkill. Gitea [0] is quite simple to deploy and uses much less resources. If you do want CI/CD later, you can integrate a self-hosted Drone [1] instance.

[0]: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

[1]: https://github.com/drone/drone

>multiple issue assignees

>issue dependencies

FWIW these are available in Gitea, along with some other Gitlab features that require payment.

It's a much more lightweight alternative, though.


Everybody, go to PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/youtube_dl/#files Download the whl. Download the tar.gz. ???? Profit.

Also, a recommendation for the youtube_dl crew is to use a self-hosted solution (if GitHub/GitLab/SourceForge wont do). Find a cheap Linux hosting provider and run Gitea on it: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

It's the best tips I can give for now.

> You wouldn't want to create gitlab V1 with Go

Does Gitea[1] count (fork of Gogs)?

I understand your point (I love Python, too), but I can't help finding some amusement in it since it has been done. :)

[1] https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea self hosted git service. They provide a prebuild statically linked binary. We use it for some time now and it's just beautiful. In my opinion the nicest self hosted git to date. Also the development is very active and new functionality is added continuously.
Quick comparison from GitHub stats and READMEs:

Gogs: 24,564 stars, 602 issues, has a features list. https://github.com/gogits/gogs

Gitea: 5,971 stars, 733 issues, doesn't have a features list. https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

Gogs features (from README):

    Activity timeline
    SSH and HTTP/HTTPS protocols
    SMTP/LDAP/Reverse proxy authentication
    Reverse proxy with sub-path
    Account/Organization/Repository management
    Add/Remove repository collaborators
    Repository/Organization webhooks (including Slack and Discord)
    Repository Git hooks/deploy keys
    Repository issues, pull requests, wiki and protected branches
    Migrate and mirror repository and its wiki
    Web editor for repository files and wiki
    Jupyter Notebook
    Two-factor authentication
    Gravatar and Federated avatar with custom source
    Mail service
    Administration panel
    Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL and TiDB (via MySQL protocol)
    Multi-language support (29 languages)

If anything, Gogs seems like a more polished product just by going through the README.

Gitea with all its 2+ maintainers can't take care of that?

It's hard to do a comparison without that list. Are users expected to install and find out?

> For anyone needing a small Git Web UI, I suggest https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea.

But be aware, gitea (like gogs) does NOT cache SQL queries, so you are heavily limited by that. I can’t get it to serve > 200 pageloads per second on my system, while even a normal Grails projects manages to serve 3000 (with more complicated queries).