> Private repository data is scanned by machine and never read by GitHub staff. Human eyes will never see the contents of your private repositories, except as described in our Terms of Service.


> Your individual personal or repository data will not be shared with third parties. We may share aggregate data learned from our analysis with our partners.

That's very concerning wording... I guess even private repositories are being fed into AI, at least that's what that policy explicitly allows.

This is huge, and unfortunately not surprising at all in the age of massive ever-growing out of control tech monopolies that do whatever the fuck they want. Whatever reads in the TOS now, they can and will just reword it when they need it. There's no trust.

Every service and utility gets enshittificated sooner or later, it's a given at the moment. I deleted all my private repos, github and all other MS services should be avoided in the future.

The only solution is to self-host. Gitea is good.

> The only solution is to self-host. Gitea is good.

Gitea project hosts its code on GitHub: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea. You must admit that is a bit ironic.

> age of massive ever-growing out of control tech monopolies that do whatever the fuck they want

GitHub is not the only option for source code hosting. There are alternatives like GitLab, Bitbucket, and numerous smaller ones.