Go and Rust are actually a great combo with only a little overlap. What’s great is that they are both C family and have some shared principles and flow.

When you need a decent concurrency story, moderate speed, and have a problem that is concrete, choose Go. It’s a good candidate for replacing Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and smaller Java projects.

Rust is better if you need maximum performance, are building a large project where more abstraction where parametric polymorphism can help, or need thread safety. It’s a replacement for larger Java projects, C++, and C.

Generally I write more Go projects, but my Rust projects tend to be bigger and are doing very complex things like user space networking or wringing maximum performance out of a kernel subsystem or running in a very low resource environment.

Both languages have made my teams enjoy their work more. We also have empirically measured a decrease in time spent fixing bugs and other production issues, as well as reduced resource consumption (mostly from getting rid of Python for Go) and snappier cli tools that are saving us $$$$$$ in terms of time and hardware). Both languages are built for modern problems and getting stuff done.

Also Go and Rust position us to hit Wasm hard. I can’t understate how important Wasm support is and how both of these languages are already miles ahead of the competition. This is containers right before Docker. Your company should be pivoting or have a strategy to get on deck with these languages.

> Your company should be pivoting or have a strategy to get on deck with these languages.

That’s a bold blanket statement. Besides the fact that I would die inside a little if I had to use Go every day of my life, Go is in no position to replace any of the aforementioned languages (Python, Js, Ruby, C++), let alone all of them, not by a mile.

Not C++, but definitely the other languages outside of some non standard SWE domains like ML, where Python is going to be an obvious winner. Otherwise Go beats them by having a type system but still supporting duck typing through interfaces, having a modern concurrency story, being easier to learn (the Go spec can be read in one evening), having less features to abuse, faster development loops with lightning fast compile times and catching more errors at compile time, and just generally being faster and having a garbage collector that is tuned for low latency (a good fit for web services). We can also start faster which is really important for container workloads, idle with less memory which is important for horizontal scaling, and use less CPU which means smaller machines and more colo.

Go also favors libraries over frameworks and is super thoughtful about using too many untested dependancies which means we don’t get stuck in frameworks that become legacy (rails) or use stuff that has security holes or that will change out from under us (npm).

>Go also favors libraries over frameworks and is super thoughtful about using too many untested dependancies which means we don’t get stuck in frameworks that become legacy (rails)

The Go standard library doesn't come close to replicating the functionality of Rails, let alone the gem ecosystem of Ruby/Rails. If you don't need it, great! Otherwise, you're spending time re-implementing what already exists and probably doing a worse job of it.

> The Go standard library doesn't come close to replicating the functionality of Rails

Why would it? It's the standard library. Go has a massive ecosystem of third parties libraries, and unlike Ruby, which was a one trick pony, Go has libraries for pretty much anything you could want to do. It's exceedingly versatile and it has better integration into modern infra. Why? Because it's all written in Go. Prometheus, Kubernetes, etcd, terraform, docker, caddy, fleet, influxDB, synthing, coachroachDB, gogs, mino... all written in Go. Go is cloud first, and has first class support for multicloud abstractions written by the go team. It's got great support for rpc through grpc and protocol buffers both of which are much easier to use in a statically compiled C like language that resembled the protocol buffers primitives.

Rails literally offers nothing you can't get from Go, and it doesn't make you pay for the stuff you aren't using. With Go you don't write in a DSL based on the language, you just write regular Go code. You aren't a rails developer, you're a Go developer.

Err, both Python and Ruby have a much bigger ecosystem than Go. Not only that but you're speaking as if Python or Ruby were usually used in the context of building infrastructure-level services (k8s, dbs, consul, docker, etc.) instead of business logic / applications kind of services ( gitlab, shopify, your usual startup CRUD).

Why would you even compare both? You wouldn't want to create gitlab V1 with Go just like you wouldn't want to write Kubernetes in Ruby.

> You wouldn't want to create gitlab V1 with Go

Does Gitea[1] count (fork of Gogs)?

I understand your point (I love Python, too), but I can't help finding some amusement in it since it has been done. :)

[1] https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea