What does HackerNews think of easy-move-resize?

Adds "modifier key + mouse drag" move and resize to OSX

Language: Objective-C

I use an Elecom Huge[1] trackball, it's got a few extra buttons that I've mapped with SteerMouse[2] (excellent MacOS Mouse Driver tool) and BetterTouchTool[3] on macOS to provide window and space management/switching:

It has: Left click, Right Click, Scroll wheel press, scroll wheel tilt down, scroll wheel tilt up, back, forward, fn1 and fn2 by the wheel, and fn3 right next to the right click.

- Scroll Wheel Press and Fn3: are set to middle click (for some reason, in my setup, fn3 can't always be the third mouse depending on context... it's annoying).

- fn1: Expose

- fn2: Application Expose

- hold fn3 + tilt down: previous space

- hold fn3 + tilt up: next space

- back/forward: set to move backwards and forwards or swap tabs depending on the application (customized with BetterTouchTool per-app)

- Bonus: Easy Move + Resize [4]: I hold my configured Hyper key (left control on my external keyboard, karabiner configured to be cmd+option+control+shift) and left-click to move, right-click to resize

[1]: https://elecomus.com/web/product/3271/

[2]: https://www.plentycom.jp/en/steermouse/

[3]: https://folivora.ai/

[4]: https://github.com/dmarcotte/easy-move-resize

I love this feature and it's since become indispensable to me. I find it pretty funny that my #1 favorite desktop UI feature is from Linux. One of the first things I'll put on a fresh install of Windows or MacOS is a utility that re-creates this behavior.

I use AltDrag on Windows (requires a quick tweak for HiDPI): https://stefansundin.github.io/altdrag/

And Easy Move + Resize on MacOS: https://github.com/dmarcotte/easy-move-resize

I've used Easy Move+Resize[0] for this and configured it to Alt+drag windows (like most Linux window managers).

[0] https://github.com/dmarcotte/easy-move-resize

only use Homebrew for ‘Casks’ (GUI .apps)— `brew cask` subcommand

Nix or pkgsrc for reliable management of CLI tools (both, if you want to try Nix but want an escape hatch)

don't forget to install GNU coreutils, grep, find, and bash. (BSD coreutils are weird and anemic if you're used to GNU. macOS bash is ancient, etc.)

disable cursor acceleration (barely works, but it's the only thing that works): https://plentycom.jp/en/cursorsense/index.html

the only mature terminal emulator on the platform that performs okay (provided you enable GPU acceleration): https://iterm2.com/

recover basic key remapping functionality: https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/

recover basic audio controls like per-app volume mixing: https://github.com/kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic

recover FUSE support: https://osxfuse.github.io/

recover configurability for a whole host of missing functionality, like global keyboard shortcuts, through automation (Lua scripting): https://www.hammerspoon.org/

recover clipboard management: https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/

if you don't use some hack to get window tiling, you might also want to...

recover basic window management functionality: https://github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle

recover modifier key window drag: https://github.com/dmarcotte/easy-move-resize

good luck.