I just completed my migration in the opposite direction after using Arch Linux as my daily driver for ~10 years.

I think Arch Linux is by far the better OS for pretty much all power users, but when using multiple devices, the benefits of the "Apple Ecosystem" outweigh the benefits of an amazing desktop OS for me, which is why I ended up switching to Mac OS.

Some key points which I believe are much worse on Mac:

* No great package managers. Nothing is super-integrated with the core system like pacman is in Arch, and even when heavily using some package manager, there will always be a bunch of software that can only be updated using their own auto-update mechanism instead of a central package manager.

* Docker in general is just much slower compared to running directly on Linux.

* Setting up ergonomic custom keyboard shortcuts is painful and requires (multiple?) third-party applications to do well.

Im going to switch from arch to mac in one month. What I should consider installing on it beside homebrew?

only use Homebrew for ‘Casks’ (GUI .apps)— `brew cask` subcommand

Nix or pkgsrc for reliable management of CLI tools (both, if you want to try Nix but want an escape hatch)

don't forget to install GNU coreutils, grep, find, and bash. (BSD coreutils are weird and anemic if you're used to GNU. macOS bash is ancient, etc.)

disable cursor acceleration (barely works, but it's the only thing that works): https://plentycom.jp/en/cursorsense/index.html

the only mature terminal emulator on the platform that performs okay (provided you enable GPU acceleration): https://iterm2.com/

recover basic key remapping functionality: https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/

recover basic audio controls like per-app volume mixing: https://github.com/kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic

recover FUSE support: https://osxfuse.github.io/

recover configurability for a whole host of missing functionality, like global keyboard shortcuts, through automation (Lua scripting): https://www.hammerspoon.org/

recover clipboard management: https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/

if you don't use some hack to get window tiling, you might also want to...

recover basic window management functionality: https://github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle

recover modifier key window drag: https://github.com/dmarcotte/easy-move-resize

good luck.