What does HackerNews think of embedded-scripting-languages?

A list of embedded scripting languages

#6 in JavaScript
> There is a huge opportunity, IMO, for more players here.

There are quite a few embeddable scripting languages [1]. I think these days it's less common to embed a language mostly because there are good high-level languages that applications can be predominantly written in.

[1] https://github.com/dbohdan/embedded-scripting-languages

There’s another, grid-arranged compilation that I like but can’t seem to find right now, but there is also this:


I scrolled through https://github.com/dbohdan/embedded-scripting-languages

And there are some options. You could achieve barebones VM protections with Pawn(the language enforces very little otherwise, though). You could use something ref-counted like a TCL implementation, which would allow you to design around linear allocation times. The vast majority are using some kind of tracing collector of course, but I wouldn't say this is a total loss for achieving a combination of real time and memory protection.

A list that I maintain might help you find one: https://github.com/dbohdan/embedded-scripting-languages. Personally, I am a fan of Jim Tcl (http://jim.tcl.tk), especially for when you need a small interpreter that knows how to interact with its Unixy environment (i.e., the file system, processes, sockets and UTF-8 text data) out of the box.