Speaking of fun little languages to create as a hobby. After having created several general-purpose languages like this one, I feel like most of such efforts (including mine) are, sadly, very similar to each other, with small variations. There's an urge to create another language for fun, but I wouldn't want to create another variation of the same thing yet again. So I wonder if there's some kind of catalogue of little hobby languages where authors are trying to explore novel, rare ideas, to get inspired by? Ideas like Rust's borrow checker, for example. The efforts I know about are mostly academic (for example, by Microsoft Research). So far my idee fixe lately has been to create a language which natively supports clean/hexagonal architecture/DDD (for example, clean layer separation can be enforced at compile-time, we use a special tool at work), but the lack of languages that explore these ideas makes me wonder why no one came up with it before, and why having monstruous frameworks with a lot of ceremony is the preferred way -- maybe there's already such a language, but it's too obscure to find it somewhere on the internet. A catalog would be useful.

There’s another, grid-arranged compilation that I like but can’t seem to find right now, but there is also this:
