Alas, this ambitious project appears to be not currently under active development.

My largely uninformed armchair opinion as to why, is that the author is very performance-driven, and in the end it's very difficult to beat the JVM performance-wise. Lesson: if you want high-perf Clojure, you already have it on the JVM.

Personally, I think there's room for a simple small native Clojure implementation where performance is not top-priority. Small footprint, quick startup, access to native C libs. Still holding out hope for that one.

I'm generally in demand of small, quick startup, easy-to-embed languages that aren't Lua (I can't stand Lua; I feel like every time I've had to deal with Lua code was far more painful than reasonably possible). There's mruby and maybe a couple others. I was hoping Pixie might be another contender in that space, but it doesn't seem to be after all (or if it is, it's very poorly documented to that effect).

I've been tinkering with some ideas for another language in that space (the Crafting Interpreters book is looking to be pretty helpful in getting me there:, but it'd be really nice if there were enough options for me to not feel the need to create my own.

A list that I maintain might help you find one: Personally, I am a fan of Jim Tcl (, especially for when you need a small interpreter that knows how to interact with its Unixy environment (i.e., the file system, processes, sockets and UTF-8 text data) out of the box.