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The Caddy website

Language: CSS

Oh, just saw this. You wrote your comment while I wrote mine. If you can enumerate specifically what you want to see, please submit it to our issue tracker: https://github.com/caddyserver/website

Generally we encourage examples in our community wiki though: https://caddy.community/c/wiki/13 -- much easier to maintain that way.

Yes, the docs have been updated at https://github.com/caddyserver/website but haven't been deployed yet. There is a new protocols option:

    protocols h1 h2
will disable Http/3 but leave 1.1 and 2 on.
> Is there a static site generator out there that doesn't require a ridiculous build process every time I do an update?

I am experimenting with Caddy's template functionality [0] in my pursuit of making dependency-free and buildless websites. Caddy's templates are inspired by the Server Side Include (SSI) functionality in Apache and Nginx, except it uses Golang's syntax. I have made several websites in Hugo and find it pleasantly similar, only more bear-bones.

Although Caddy is serving static sites to the browser, it is technically more like using a dynamic scripting language like PHP on the server. I guess Caddy templates outperform PHP by a large margin because it is written in Golang and compiled, but I have never tested this hypothesis.

Funfact: Caddy's entire website is written with Caddy's template system and the source code is available [1] for those who want to take a look!

[0] https://caddyserver.com/docs/modules/http.handlers.templates

[1] https://github.com/caddyserver/website

Could you be more specific about these complaints? What examples don't work? We can't work on improving the docs if we don't get specific and actionable feedback. The docs are found at https://github.com/caddyserver/website if you want to propose any changes. You can also come ask for help on the forums https://caddy.community if you can't find what you're looking for.
Could you be more specific about these complaints? What examples don't work? We can't work on improving the docs if we don't get specific and actionable feedback. The docs are found at https://github.com/caddyserver/website if you want to propose any changes.
Protip: you can click almost everything in code blocks in the docs. For example, if you click `[]`, it brings you right to the request matcher syntax section, which explains what you can fill in there.

It would be redundant to write on every page what you can use as a matcher. The Caddyfile reference docs assume you've read https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile/concepts which walks you through how the Caddyfile is structured, and it'll give you the fundamentals you need to understand the rest of the docs (I think, anyway).

If you think we need more examples for a specific usecase, we can definitely include those. Feel free to propose some changes on https://github.com/caddyserver/website, we could always use the help!

Regarding Caddy directive docs, there's examples right at the bottom. What are you missing, exactly? If you could be more specific, we can address it. But as-is, your comment is too vague to be actionable. Feel free to open an issue on https://github.com/caddyserver/website with specific examples you think are missing.

Regarding empty 200 responses, this is because "Caddy worked as configured". A 404 Not Found would be incorrect, because there was no attempt to "find" anything. A 400 would be incorrect, because the request was probably fine. A 500 would also be incorrect, because there was no error. The only option remaining, really, is an empty 200 response. It's the user's responsibility to make sure the configuration handles all possible requests with a handler that does what they want.

Regarding fail-fast on cert issues, the problem was that shutting down often triggers container restarts, causing Caddy to attempt issuance again, usually rapidly hitting rate limits. Caddy v2 no longer has this problem. I really can't imagine any situation where shutting down the server makes sense. Servers are kinda by-design supposed to be stable, and shutting down for any other reason than config/startup issues seems counterproductive. Do you have any specific usecase where it would be useful? You're the first to bring up this point since v2 was released.