Wow this is neat.

> I have had it with standalone web servers: they're all over-complicated and I always end up with an awkward bifurcation of logic between my app's code and the web server's config

Personally I've grown really fond of letting nginx terminate TLS and proxy to the web app. It's a clean separation of concerns, not very complicated and upgrading the cert is easy (certbot).

FWIW, Caddy can replace nginx and certbot for this purpose, with less config and more robust ACME.

Let me know if you need me to clarify, if you have any concerns.

Caddy as a proxy is great - I only whish it was easier to copy apache-style auth/authz "satisfy any" (eg: whitelist some ips, require basic auth from others).

I also expect that as setups age, one is likely to miss mod_rewrite - but at that point/style of setup, maybe apache traffic server start to make sense. Or, just apache httpd of course.

You can do that easily with the `remote_ip`[0] matcher (pair it with the `not` matcher to invert the match). For example to require `basicauth`[1] for all non-private IPv4 ranges:

    @needs-auth not remote_ip
    basicauth @needs-auth {
And for rewrites, there's the `rewrite`[2] handler. Not sure what you're missing?




One problem, as a lazy bastard, I've always had with the Caddy docs is it can sometimes be hard to glance at a page in the documentation and see "ah, that's how I'd do ".

Take the basicauth portion for example. If you had been reading the docs like a book, started in the references/tutorial sections, understood all there is to know about how request matcher syntax works as a result, and then read the basicauth page you would have a rock solid understanding of how to make basicauth do what you want here. If you land at the basicauth page from a Google search trying to stand up a quick file-server weekend project in a way your friends can access you either are really on top of it and notice "[]" (not even mentioned in the Syntax breakdowns of the page) is what's used in the single example below and happens to be a path but might be a lot more or you leave without a hint of how to do basicauth the way you wanted. It'd be great if the syntax section breakouts just mentioned something that triggered more or less a "and hey dumbass, if you haven't learned how matchers work yet you need to go do that to fully utilized this directive".

I realize this is awfully needy, the docs have everything you need if you read them carefully, and I absolutely LOVE using Caddy so it's not an attempt to say it's bad overall by any means. I wanted to point it out though since this exact example is something I ran into a few weekends ago. I think the problem is exacerbated by v2 syntax being new, as well as the competing JSON syntax, making it harder for people to find use case examples outside of what's in the official docs.

Protip: you can click almost everything in code blocks in the docs. For example, if you click `[]`, it brings you right to the request matcher syntax section, which explains what you can fill in there.

It would be redundant to write on every page what you can use as a matcher. The Caddyfile reference docs assume you've read which walks you through how the Caddyfile is structured, and it'll give you the fundamentals you need to understand the rest of the docs (I think, anyway).

If you think we need more examples for a specific usecase, we can definitely include those. Feel free to propose some changes on, we could always use the help!