Francis definitely gets to claim the "Show HN" on this one, as he authored more commits to Caddy during this timeframe than I did:

He and several other maintainers, community helpers, distribution team members, and sponsors go a long way to making this project tick. Thanks for all you do!

Caddy is my server/proxy of choice. It replaced Traefik, but I have one complaint. It looks like the documentation if very outdated. The examples in the official docs or elsewhere on the internet never work, and I always find myself ging to docker hub and then browsing the source for hints of the correct configuration. This happens especially when configuring letsencrypt or zerossl and the name of the properties keep changing. There are other examples, but this is my main gripe.

Is there a place where we can contribute to more up to date docs?

I agree. I really liked Caddy, when I used it a while back, but the documentation did stand out as being particularly in need of some love.

It‘s in this state since v2 has been released. You will also find either trivial examples for the simple Caddyfile format or the very complex json format. Very often I have to try for a very long time whether a json configuration is available for Caddyfile - basicslly googling 30+ min.

Could you be more specific about these complaints? What examples don't work? We can't work on improving the docs if we don't get specific and actionable feedback. The docs are found at if you want to propose any changes. You can also come ask for help on the forums if you can't find what you're looking for.